Sleep Tight, Clyde.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Essex, UK.
My sweet, gentle, beautiful boy, Clyde, passed away yesterday (29/04/2015) after having his abscess drained. For more than 24 hours, he refused to eat. Not even Critical Care or his 7 girls could revive him.
You silly boy, Clyde. Why didn't you put up a fight? You just gave up. Your girls and I will miss you painfully. You will not be forgotten. Run free at the Bridge, my darling boy.

Awww so sorry to hear about clyde ♥♥♥
Huge hugs, I am so sorry for the loss of your stunning lad, he had such an amazing life with you and your girlies. Huge hugs to you x

Sleep well little one

RIP Clyde
x x
I am so very sorry that things got too much for your stunning boy. You have given Clyde a very happy life and every chance, but you can do only so much. Severe abscesses are still very much a matter of life and death, never mind that our chances have improved a lot in the very last few years. :(

RIP Clyde - you are much missed
Thank you, everyone, for your very kind words.:wub: He leaves behind his pig-wife Bonnie and neighbours, Inka and Maya. Bonnie should not get too lonely as she can still have contact with the other two girls every day. I don't plan on replacing Clyde. I can't. There was only one of him. :bye:
I'm so sorry that you've lost Clyde. Popcorn free at the Bridge gorgeous chap.
So sorry for your loss, popcorn free at the Rainbow bridge Clyde (((HUGS))) x
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