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Sleep Well Pebbles You'll Be Dearly Missed!

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I am so sorry that you have lost your precious girl, but glad that the end has come easy for her. I still remember when you got her and her sister all the way from Rugby for your Fred!

RIP Pebbles
I'm so sorry she's gone Jo :(
At least she went peacefully, with her friends and surrounded by love.

Sleep tight lovely girl x
I am so sorry that you have lost your precious girl, but glad that the end has come easy for her. I still remember when you got her and her sister all the way from Rugby for your Fred!

RIP Pebbles

I know Wiebke seems like yesterday I got the girls. Can't believe it's been 5 years since I got the girls. I'm glad she went peacefully.

I have the crematorium coming to pick her up tonight. Final farewell to my girl most definitely the hardest part of pet ownership. X
I'm really sorry to hear about pebbles, she was gorgeous and I'm sure where she is now, she's missing you to! X
I'm so sorry Jo. Sleep tight beautiful Pebbles.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this Jo - although I'm relieved to learn she had a peaceful journey to The Bridge.

Popcorn-free little Pebbles - such a gutsy character - (well what do you expect with all that mad hair-do?)
We loved hearing about your antics here on the forum! You have left your pawprints on a lot of peoples' hearts.

Sending lots of hugs to your mummy who must be missing your dreadfully.
All piggies here sending you wheeks of condolence for your loss.
Awwww Pebbles my favourite girl :(

Sleep tight gorgeous girl have fun at the rainbow bridge x
Jo, It is a sad day indeed to hear of Pebbles passing, she was such a special piggy, Run free little one, say hello to Patrick from all of us... xx
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