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Aug 26, 2010
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the last week or so i have noticed that my guinea pigs seem to be really smelly. do you think there could be something wrong with them?
They just smell different than they use too, really ponge. They are boys would that be anythin to do with it.
i wouldnt have thought so, ive always had boys and none of mine smell.

Maybe someone will come along and say diff hon.

Is it a wee or poo type smell?
Did it coincide with putting the heating back on for the winter? I too have noticed that the fragrance of warm pig poop in a closed room has that certain something ... :)>>> that it did not have over the summer with the windows open. :))

However, it could be something sinister. Do they seem OK when they pee or do they look in pain? Have you checked their bits to see if they need help with cleaning.
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Are they drinking more water?

Smelly wee can be indicative of a possible urine infection....or a change in diet, particularly veggies....or slight dehydration.... boars can also become more smelly once their hormones cut in
How old are they?
What are they bedded on?

they have been on waggs for about 2 months now, veg wise they have the same types most of the time.
bedding very small amount of shaving and hay
they are about 18 months old.
there wee is white/ yellow in colour
It could well be hormones. They may well be 'marking' their territory, etc... it's not a nice smell...

But yes, if they smell of pee a lot, it could be indicative of a urinary infection, especially if they seem constantly damp around their bottom area.
Just a really random observation from ours, I had been giving them carrot every morning, and they decided about four/five days ago they're bored with it. Since I stopped giving them carrot, and switched to more broccoli and cucumber, they smell far less than they did! May just be coincidence, but may be worth a try-avoiding carrot I mean?! X x
Well my guinea pigs smell of their bedding, is that normal?....:S
My two boars have stunk since they were neutered - it's a bum smell but all over. I was told they would until their hormones settled down but the vet said vitamin B can affect the way they smell.
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