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Sneezing A Lot!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 20, 2015
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA

For the past two days my husband and I have been hearing our guinea pig Nugget sneezing a lot.

We want to take him to the vet to be checked out, but should I bring his cagemate too?
Yes, please, always take the cagemate, if only as a calming "paw holder" companion. Piggies are lot less stressed if they are not separated and have got somebody to snuggle with when they are out of their comfort zone.

Wishing Nugget all the best! Have you looked at the bedding and hay supply in case it is rather an allergy/irritation issue?
Please keep us updated.
Yes, please, always take the cagemate, if only as a calming "paw holder" companion. Piggies are lot less stressed if they are not separated and have got somebody to snuggle with when they are out of their comfort zone.

Wishing Nugget all the best! Have you looked at the bedding and hay supply in case it is rather an allergy/irritation issue?
Please keep us updated.

He has never sneezed as I've always used the same bag. It's not a new bag, either. Our bedding is fleece. Should I take out hay to see, or take them to the vet either way? Should I also have S'More checked to make sure he's not getting sick, either?
He has never sneezed as I've always used the same bag. It's not a new bag, either. Our bedding is fleece. Should I take out hay to see, or take them to the vet either way? Should I also have S'More checked to make sure he's not getting sick, either?

Whenever one of my guinea pigs needs to go to the vets - they all go . I reckon it's only fair that way ! Also, it means if the vet wants to check out the others, I have them with me.

I am sure the vet will let you know if (s)he feels S'more needs a check up too.

I hope Nugget is OK - you are wise to get him checked out by a vet just in case.
Nugget has a check up with the exotics vet that I also bring my tortoises to -- I trust them and their knowledge very much. They said S'Mores is more than welcomed to come along. Tomorrow morning at 9:15 (US Central Time). I will keep you all updated.

Question, is there someone I can talk to, about making a thread about good piggy vets here in the US?
@Wiebke I cant get to the US vet list at moment, do you have the guinea lynx link? x x
Thank you, I would love to help contribute to the list, if my vet isn't on there too.
So turns out S'more was the one with nasal discharge, congestion and sneezing.

We were prescribed enrofloxacin in banana flavor.
That should go down well and he is hopefully well again soon!
I hope so! Anything special I should do for him while he's on the medication? I'm always worried about Nugget getting sick.
I'm glad they took it so well, too. I was very nervous about giving it to them!
So tonight Nugget didn't really want his medicine but gave up after a couple minutes. He pouted in the corner of his cage afterwards but then got happy when I gave them more hay!

I've heard little to no sneezing already, and they're still eating and popcorning about! I hope this is a good sign they're overcoming the sickness!
Well, S'mores medicine is almost gone, and he's still sneezing a lot. What do I do?
I would speak to your vet again. Did you change his bedding?
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