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New Born Pup
Feb 21, 2015
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My 2yr old guiena pig lost her friend 2 weeks ago, so I got 2 new ones for her, They've been getting on great and I know she's abut quieter than usual but I expected that as they had been together and were close.
One of the new ones had a bit of a sneeze however I didn't think anything of it as se was happy and I thought it could be the shavings, however she has got a tiny patch of ringworm or so the vet said. The only problem is now my older pig has developed this sneeze and look a bit down and has 1 sleepy eye, the vet said she was fine but I thought is ask your opinions!
I would get a second opinion in case it is the start of a URI. Also how is the Ringworm being treated? What are they bedded on?

Welcome to the forum, please could you update your location as it will help us to help you further.
I would get a second opinion in case it is the start of a URI. Also how is the Ringworm being treated? What are they bedded on?

Welcome to the forum, please could you update your location as it will help us to help you further.

She's on the same bedding as she has always been on hay and shavings? It's a medicine I think ifranol, she's hasnt got any patches but the vet said if she was likely to get she would have signs, and not to split them as it would cause stress, I will do in Preston lancs
Hi and welcome!

Please take ringworm seriously; it is highly infective and the one thing that you and any other mammalian pets can pick up from your guinea pigs.
Here are our tips on ringworm hygiene and how to prevent it from spreading or returning. What treatment are your guinea pigs on for the ringworm?

Keep a very close eye on the sneezing; it can be the beginning of a respiratory infection (URI). Both ringworm and URIs are opportunistic illnesses that are very common in shop or breeder piggies. It is the reason why we recommend to quarantine any new guinea pigs that are not from a rescue with a mandatory quarantine. I would also weigh your older girl daily at the same instead of the usual weekly weigh-in to make sure that she is OK and not losing any weight; loss of appetite can also be a symptom of an URI as the need to breathe comes before the need to drink and thirdly the need to eat. Due to her loss and the new companions, her immune system is currently lowered. Has she not perked up with her new friends?

As we are dealing with members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county, so we can adapt our advice to what is available and possible for you straight away. You can do so by clicking on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
We have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar.
Have a look at the guide Wiebke has given you as it covers all of the important hygiene measures that you will need to put in place.
She's on the same bedding as she has always been on hay and shavings? It's a medicine I think ifranol, she's hasnt got any patches but the vet said if she was likely to get she would have signs, and not to split them as it would cause stress, I will do in Preston lancs

Itrafungol is the best she can have. I would strongly recommend to order enilconazole dip from hyperdrug do use on all three grils to prevent the ringworm from spreading to and/or breaking out in the others; enilconazole is the mildest for around any sensitive areas like eyes and mouth and can be safely used for guinea pigs of all ages; it is also very effective. It takes 10-14 days between infection and outbreak.

We also strongly recommend F10 disinfectant as that is currently the only product that is effective against ringworm spores.

There is a number of alternative beddings now available if you want to have a look: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/bedding-for-guinea-pigs-overview.114219/
Hi and welcome!

Please take ringworm seriously; it is highly infective and the one thing that you and any other mammalian pets can pick up from your guinea pigs.
Here are our tips on ringworm hygiene and how to prevent it from spreading or returning. What treatment are your guinea pigs on for the ringworm?

Keep a very close eye on the sneezing; it can be the beginning of a respiratory infection (URI). Both ringworm and URIs are opportunistic illnesses that are very common in shop or breeder piggies. It is the reason why we recommend to quarantine any new guinea pigs that are not from a rescue with a mandatory quarantine. I would also weigh your older girl daily at the same instead of the usual weekly weigh-in to make sure that she is OK and not losing any weight; loss of appetite can also be a symptom of an URI as the need to breathe comes before the need to drink and thirdly the need to eat. Due to her loss and the new companions, her immune system is currently lowered. Has she not perked up with her new friends?

As we are dealing with members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county, so we can adapt our advice to what is available and possible for you straight away. You can do so by clicking on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
We have got a piggy savvy UK vet locator on the top bar.
She is normal if you get her out with her friends they run around and seem happy to be cuddled picked up etc, she's eating fine, watched her eat grass cabbage pepper and pellets today. I have treated ringworm before but on a horse, the patch she has is a fingerprint under her front leg and has been treated took all 3 to the vets and he said they seemed fine, apart from this patch. Her eye cleared up when I bathed it and it isn't cloud just a bit weepy which crusts... I think I'll try and give them a call as she doesn't like travelling and not sure if it stressed her
She is normal if you get her out with her friends they run around and seem happy to be cuddled picked up etc, she's eating fine, watched her eat grass cabbage pepper and pellets today. I have treated ringworm before but on a horse, the patch she has is a fingerprint under her front leg and has been treated took all 3 to the vets and he said they seemed fine, apart from this patch. Her eye cleared up when I bathed it and it isn't cloud just a bit weepy which crusts... I think I'll try and give them a call as she doesn't like travelling and not sure if it stressed her

Are the eye crusts clear/whiteish or thick and yellowish? The second is an indication for a URI.
Just keep an close eye on her for the moment and see a vet again if there are more symptoms. I am sorry that you don't have the start you'd have liked. You are a caring piggy mum.

PS: I am very sorry for your loss! You are very welcome to post a tribute in our Rainbow Bridge section.
Just keep an close eye on her for the moment and see a vet again if there are more symptoms. I am sorry that you don't have the start you'd have liked. You are a caring piggy mum.

PS: I am very sorry for your loss! You are very welcome to post a tribute in our Rainbow Bridge section.
Thanks means I lot, just wish I seen if she had coped on her own as she wouldn't be I'll now, I don't know whether to split her until the others ringworm has healed... With re being older I feel she would react worst to it... I'll call the vet and see on Monday if she's no better... Thanks for your help
Thanks means I lot, just wish I seen if she had coped on her own as she wouldn't be I'll now, I don't know whether to split her until the others ringworm has healed... With re being older I feel she would react worst to it... I'll call the vet and see on Monday if she's no better... Thanks for your help

Please order the enilconazole/imaverol from Hyperdrug (it is preciption-free from them)! By dipping all your piggies, you can prevent an outbreak in the other two. They are likely infected already or at least carry spores, but by applying the dip, you can prevent it from going further. Please make sure that you cover every bit of skin and use a syringe or a cotton bud for around sensitive areas like mouth, eyes and ears. Let the dip dry on the body without washing it off, but keep your piggies warm and cosy while this happens. Between the imaverol, the F10 disinfectant and washing all fabrics in contact with the piggies at 60 C, you should be able to keep everything well under control and from making any returns. The acute phase usually takes 1-2 weeks (about 1 week on itrafungal if the piggy is fit and it is caught early) and then you have to another 2 weeks observation phase to make sure that it has truly gone. The itrafungol your infected piggy is on will make sure that that she will be completely cleared from inside out. ;)
Please order the enilconazole/imaverol from Hyperdrug (it is preciption-free from them)! By dipping all your piggies, you can prevent an outbreak in the other two. They are likely infected already or at least carry spores, but by applying the dip, you can prevent it from going further. Please make sure that you cover every bit of skin and use a syringe or a cotton bud for around sensitive areas like mouth, eyes and ears. Let the dip dry on the body without washing it off, but keep your piggies warm and cosy while this happens. Between the imaverol, the F10 disinfectant and washing all fabrics in contact with the piggies at 60 C, you should be able to keep everything well under control and from making any returns. The acute phase usually takes 1-2 weeks (about 1 week on itrafungal if the piggy is fit and it is caught early) and then you have to another 2 weeks observation phase to make sure that it has truly gone. The itrafungol your infected piggy is on will make sure that that she will be completely cleared from inside out. ;)
Hi, bathed them this morning in it, think she got some water up her nose though! she has stopped sneezing before this! ill check her this afternoon when i get back from uni! will it upset her nose or is it mild when diluted?
Hi, bathed them this morning in it, think she got some water up her nose though! she has stopped sneezing before this! ill check her this afternoon when i get back from uni! will it upset her nose or is it mild when diluted?

It is not hurting the eyes when diluted, so it is pretty mild; she should have sneezed it out anyway. All the best!
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