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Snow piggy competition!

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My 2 daughters Sam and Sophie made the most of a day off school and created 'Gavin the guinea' - here he is :))



Teresa x
AWWW - I love the posh hide Gavin has got!
He is a lovely chunky boy and most certainly a pampered piggy! x)
The hide is a homemade one - good old hubby :) He's made me loads so all the piggies have them in their runs.

Gavin may be up for rehoming if he's still around when the weather turns warmer ............................................:))

Teresa x
I just have to say that they're all great!

I'm going to venture into the garden tomorrow and attempt a snow-pig too :))
I finally got out in the snow today! I headed to the beach (we don't have a garden) and had a go at snow-piggy-building.
This is Pebbles :)) :)) (get it? Beach? Pebbles? Teehee)




I hope you like her! I felt really sad leaving her behind :( I'd given her a personality and I felt mean leaving her in the cold and arctic winds!
AWWW - piggy by the sea! I love the picture with the sea in the back - ant the impressive whiskers! Pebbles is certainly not going to get stuck in a tunnel! :))
Lol, thanks! Resources for snow piggy decorating were sparse on the beach, hence Pebbles! The mega-whiskers were my partners contribution :))
runt18 - your snow piggie is fabulous! The face is so cute, and I can totally see the piggie shape there. Lots of character - that is very hard to get with snow piggies. :))

Cath - I love Pebbles! I would feel sad too, leaving him behind. :))

And Teresa - Gavin is wonderful, your kids did a brilliant job making him!
Ah Pebbles is great! :)) I love the epic whiskers! I know what you mean about leaving them behind etc.. when I got back from work tonight it had snowed a bit more and Falkor (Which is what I've decided to call my snow pig! :) ) was snowed under a bit and th wind had blown one of his ears off! I had to make him a new one and dig him out a bit or else I wouldn't have been able to relax :redgrrrr
Ah Pebbles is great! :)) I love the epic whiskers! I know what you mean about leaving them behind etc.. when I got back from work tonight it had snowed a bit more and Falkor (Which is what I've decided to call my snow pig! :) ) was snowed under a bit and th wind had blown one of his ears off! I had to make him a new one and dig him out a bit or else I wouldn't have been able to relax :redgrrrr

What will be do when the snow thaws? I can imagine freezers all over the country homing all these wonderful snow piggies:(|):(|)It would be a shame to let them melt and they could all be taken out of the freezer next christmas..xx>>>
What will be do when the snow thaws? I can imagine freezers all over the country homing all these wonderful snow piggies:(|):(|)It would be a shame to let them melt and they could all be taken out of the freezer next christmas..xx>>>

Hee hee :)) :)) My housemate's gone away until February and if he came back to find a snow piggy in his drawer of the freezer I think he'll assume I've finally gone completely mad! I suppose the upside of all this regular snow will be that I can make all the snow piggies my heart desires! lol
What will be do when the snow thaws? I can imagine freezers all over the country homing all these wonderful snow piggies:(|):(|)It would be a shame to let them melt and they could all be taken out of the freezer next christmas..xx>>>

No space in our freezer - the piggies have taken over the fridge, so our freezer has to cope with as much human food as possible! mallethead
Here is my best one - i think hehe.

My piggie , we had better snow today it wasnt as powdery as it has been over the past 3 days.

By the way i tried to make it look like the red bow is a lil scarf to keep the guinea warm out there in the cold weather. i wish icould bring him in though hehe.




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