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Snowflake Bedding?

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I have used aubiose and it was really messy to clean out of the hutches that I have. Most of it ended up kicked on the floor out of the hutches. I personally use fleece as I prefer the lack of mess that it creates.
I have used the snowflake wood shavings ( I buy them in Home Bargins as it is cheap). I was impressed with them as woodshavings, they were the best wood shavings that I used.
I am going to try megazorb when I am on holiday and OH is looking after pigs. I have heard great reviews about the megazorb being super absorbant and great for the piggies hutches.
I use wood flakes for the bottom of chocks cage and have never had a problem with them
Thanks. The cage will be an indoor one so not really bothered by the wind. The sides are quite high so shouldn't get too much kicked out I hope. Think I am going to go for snowflake just not sure which one. Shame you can't get samples.
it's a pity you weren't closer, I'd have give you a bucket of snowflake to try.
Boss hogg I'm having difficulty finding a local supplier of snowflake soft chip,lots do wood shavings,is it worth asking an independant pet shop if they would order it in.do you thik it would be suitable for 6x2 indoor c and c cages?as well as outdoor 6 feet hutches,is it soft on cavies feet?:)
It is very soft underfoot, try your local independent pet shop, my local shop orders mine for me. ;)
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