Snugglesafe Question!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
Hey! My snugglesafe should hopefully come tomorrow! I have only ordered one for now mainly for the nights - can you reheat again in the morning or do you need to leave for a while for it to cool? X
It will have cooled anyway by the morning. Don't worry about reheating it when it's warm, if is hot anyway you won't need to reheat!
I think it lasts about ten hours.
By morning I've found my snugglesafe will be at room temperature and need to be reheated, so on the colder nights I will get up in the night to heat it up a little more. When the pads are at their hottest my boys just rest their front paws on them, as they lose a little heat I find my boys spread out like pancakes on top of them so I ended up buying them one each.

They have heating guide lines on them which I found were very accurate, I would never be tempted to go beyond these as these pads get extremely hot!
I put mine under a couple of layers of newspaper &shredded paper. The heat comes up through quickly as they are very hot to start off with. Mine usually last about 8hrs with heat to make a difference.
... Dont do like I did tho... I cleaned out the girls- rolled the paper &bedding up in a sausage as usual &put in the bin.
The day after bin collection realised I had thrown out the snugglesafe with the soiled bedding... Thought it was heavy!
I'm so cross with myself.
Glad I have 2others but still gutted :(
They're excellent either heated or cooled in the fridge in summer for a piggy coolant :)
Ah fab have spent ages convincing hubby cause he keeps telling me it's a false heat so they will end up colder?! but will certainly make me worry less!
I have bought some cozies from snoozies cozies on FB and noticed they make covers as well so will have to get some spares!
Thank you for all your advice x
I put my boys Snuggles safe directly under their fleeces, they have no way of getting to them, so I don't bother with the cases as the snuggle safe covers are just made out of a fleece material anyway and pretty expensive for what they are. I use a guinea safe disinfectant before I put them in the microwave just so my dinners don't taste funny :D
I put mine under a couple of layers of newspaper &shredded paper. The heat comes up through quickly as they are very hot to start off with. Mine usually last about 8hrs with heat to make a difference.
... Dont do like I did tho... I cleaned out the girls- rolled the paper &bedding up in a sausage as usual &put in the bin.
The day after bin collection realised I had thrown out the snugglesafe with the soiled bedding... Thought it was heavy!
I'm so cross with myself.
Glad I have 2others but still gutted :(
They're excellent either heated or cooled in the fridge in summer for a piggy coolant :)
I hate it when that happens. I lost my best spot ckeaning tools once. PLUS a pair of scissors which are irreplaceable ( handmade in Sheffield -. £50 a pair). I must have binned them accidently.
I have fleece round pigloos and they go in the bottom. If your pigs get too hot they will just move themselves. My boys do and then go in the hay tray! :)

I put mine in the microwave for 6 mins each at 9pm and by 8am they are room temp :)
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