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So After Waiting A Whole Week

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 12, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I ended up getting assaulted at work today with significant injury day at the hospital etc....

But.. I did get my senior grade post. So.it has ended on a happy note :)
Oh I really am sorry. That must have been a nasty shock. I hope your okay.

Congratulations on the job! That's great news.
Oh no thats awful. How are you now? Hope your okay? How terrible...
Great news on the new job though x
I liked your post for you getting the job! Well done :)

Hope you're feeling better now x
Hope you're okay!

Well done on getting the new job. No news was good news after all! :)
Oh gosh, I hope you're ok! Congratulations on your new role though, that's fantastic! :D
So pleased you got the job, well done. Am sorry you had to go through that though, hope you're ok.
Congratulations on getting your senior grade.

Hope you are OK
God that's awful! I hope you are ok! Congrats on your senior grade though!
Oh golly, I'm sorry that you got injured at work. It does seem to be inevitable when you work with certain client groups. My mother has been injured at work several times, she is an EBD/SEN teacher. I am glad you got the senior post though.
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