So Angry With A Work Colleague #rant

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2013
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Chester le Street, Durham
I found out yesterday that a work colleague has gone to a pet shop and bought one guinea pig! I am so annoyed with her. Everyone at work knows how much I loves piggies and I never stop talking about my boys. To the point where I think everyone else loves Toby & Barney too - I talk about them more than other people talk about their kids! The other people at work always come to ask me for advice about theirs - now I don't claim to be an expert at all so only give advice about things I know are correct e.g. diet, bedding, housing. Most other issues I refer to either this forum or the vet. But anyone who has been thinking about getting a piggy (including this colleague) has been told not to get just one.

When I found out I asked her why she had only got one and she said he was the last in the pet shop and she just couldn't leave him. I thought that was fair enough as lone piggies make me sad too. But when I enquired about her adopting another she said she wanted to make sure she was a good piggy mum before even considering that. Now in my mind (and I really hope I don't offend anyone here) if someone has told you in advance that you should have a minimum of 2 then why would you ignore that - it's just mean. She also said she might consider getting another in the future - I cant fathom a reason why she wouldn't particularly when we have an excellent rescue in our area. And does she mean that if she isn't a good piggy mum then she will just stick to one and that poor little man will just be left alone? She also goes away quite a lot - long weekends and holidays - I am so worried about what will happen to him.

I know we are all about educating folk but I am just so angry I don't even think I can speak to her about it. I also don't know what size cage he is in - I almost don't want to ask because I have a feeling it will be way too small!

Sorry for the rant but I know you guys will understand
Oh boy! That's a tricky one isn't it and I can understand your concerns. See what else you can find out and keep asking about a companion piggy! Eventually the message will get home. Wondering how that little pig ended up the last in the shop too. Did he/she have a cage friend that died? Did the shop owner sell several as singles?ARGH! You can only do your best, so take a few deep breaths and practice your tactful smile:doh:.
I totally understand how you feel. It does not make sense for her to wait and see if she will be a good mum first as having one or two is no different. How disappointing you have a local rescue that she did not go to as well. Please do not apologise for this thread as I feel the same way as you.

Having said this I do not mean to offend anybody with a lone piggy.
I know - particularly as another colleague has recently adopted 2 from the rescue. I seem to have started a guinea pig trend at work!

I am not back in work until next week so I should have calmed down by then and can try and get more info. I might not mention a second piggy for a week or so just so I don't alienate her and will try to find out the cage size. If I can I will get her to sign up on her but just hope she doesn't read this thread - that could be awkward! Lol!
This is upsetting to hear. I understand that she bought a lone piggy because it was the last one; but it's her not considering to get a pal which gets me. That is very selfish of her indeed.

Some people just do not learn from what others say. I can understand how annoyed you are.
I know - particularly as another colleague has recently adopted 2 from the rescue. I seem to have started a guinea pig trend at work!

I am not back in work until next week so I should have calmed down by then and can try and get more info. I might not mention a second piggy for a week or so just so I don't alienate her and will try to find out the cage size. If I can I will get her to sign up on her but just hope she doesn't read this thread - that could be awkward! Lol!
You can always ask for this to be deleted if she says she will sign up.
It's a tough one! I know of someone who got a single pig incase she 'lost interest' which doesn't seem to be the best way to go about it.

My two are so different I can't imagine not having either of them and I like knowing that they have each other to snuggle up to and run round with.
Yep how awkward could that be, morning by the way I signed up to the GPF I can just Imagen your facial expression ! x :clap:
It's an awkward situation to be in, but I completely understand how you feel! Hopefully she'll see sense.
If she feels sorry for lonely piggies I wonder why she thought it would be better off lonely with her? :hmm:Mind you, there's a potential angle to persuade her to find piggy a friend - tell her how many desperately lonely piggies there are in rescue! :)
All you can do is try to tactfully suggest that pigs really are happier in pairs or groups. Having had bonded pairs that switched up over the years as one of the pair passed away, I can vouch that pigs are much happier (and more fun) when they have a friend. Maybe try to play up the 'fun and interesting' angle? I think people also think that two is more work than one, which I really don't get... as long as they are housed together, I see no difference at all.
Thing is that I have been through all of that with her before she bought this one so she knows it but decided to ignore the advice any way. I don't know what else to say to convince her.
Thing is that I have been through all of that with her before she bought this one so she knows it but decided to ignore the advice any way. I don't know what else to say to convince her.
I guess this isn't the best advice, but you could act obviously off with her? She will take the hint what it is about, then she may give in! Hehe.
How frustrating. It's my pet peeve when you tell someone something and they do the complete opposite or ignore you ... I don't really know what to suggest. End of the day it's up to her what she does... See what happens and maybe drop hints to see how the pig is getting on.
You're right to feel frustrated, tricky situation! I agree with @Jess and keep dropping hints, and maybe talk about your boys even more than what you do already, to get her thinking!
You're right to feel frustrated, tricky situation! I agree with @Jess and keep dropping hints, and maybe talk about your boys even more than what you do already, to get her thinking!
Lol - I will try but not sure its possible to talk about them any more than I already do - my colleagues are very tolerant of it but we did have a bank healthcare one day who told me and @Derek's mammy that we were being really freaky because we had talked about piggies for approximately 11hours of a 12hour shift!
Hopefully this person will fall in love with their piggy and want to get them a friend soon!
Lol - I will try but not sure its possible to talk about them any more than I already do - my colleagues are very tolerant of it but we did have a bank healthcare one day who told me and @Derek's mammy that we were being really freaky because we had talked about piggies for approximately 11hours of a 12hour shift!
Haha :)) no such thing as too much piggie talk!
I really hope she does the right thing and listens to your advice
However, if the guinea pig is a boar, it might not be such a bad thing to keep him on his own for a while, with the intention of bonding him with a younger boar at a later date, in an attempt to lessen/avoid the dominant behaviour commonly associated with the hormonal period. . . Or, if your local rescue offers boar-dating, perhaps, you could suggest to your colleague that, once she has had an opportunity to get to know her guinea pig's temperament somewhat, that the local rescue could help to find her guinea pig the perfect companion. . . Alternatively, perhaps, your colleague would be more receptive to the idea of having her boar neutered, and finding him a sow. . . I feel that you colleague would be quite receptive to the idea of finding her guinea pig a companion in the near future, and that her decision to purchase one to begin with, may not be such a bad decision - At least she did not purchase a trio of boars; a boar, and a sow; or a guinea pig, and a rabbit!

And at least she knew that she was purchasing a guinea pig, and not a chinchilla! However, I was in Pets at Home today, when a woman walked in, and said to her relative/friend, 'I want a chinchilla! What does a chinchilla look like?'. . .I thought that she was joking - Surely, if you want to adopt/purchase a chinchilla, you must at least know what the animal looks like! Until I saw her looking in all the cages trying to work out which of the animals in the shop was a chinchilla . . Needless to say, I quickly paid for my items, and left!
How about suggesting or lend her some books on caring for your pigs? I am adopting two beautiful boys soon and have read three books already which all reiterate the importance of guineas living in groups. If she's serious about being a good mum then she should surely be interested in reading up.
How about suggesting or lend her some books on caring for your pigs? I am adopting two beautiful boys soon and have read three books already which all reiterate the importance of guineas living in groups. If she's serious about being a good mum then she should surely be interested in reading up.

That might be a good plan - will see what happens when I get back to work next week
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