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Soft Poo!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2014
Reaction score
lincolnshire, uk
Sorry for the gross subject! My piggy started with soft poo last friday (not diarhoea just soft) so i cut back on veg and he was fine for the next 2 days. Yesterday i gave him a cabbage leaf and some red pepper, tonight i gave him some salad leaves, green pepper and some carrot. Hes not poorly hes currently running around my living room floor and hes constantly eating hay. Should i be concerned about the soft poo or should i cut back on veg again? I'm wondering if its the salad leaves upsetting him?
How old is your boy? Older piggies can develop a very tender digestion. I currently have got a 7 year old I can only feed very little veg without her getting bloating or soft poo issues.

I would cut back on on the veg again until 48 hours after the poos have firmed up again. Then I would re-introduce veg slowly one by one and in small quantities, leaving lettuce, peppers and especially cabbage for last. Fresh herbs like coriander/cilantro, chopped celery, a bit of cucumber or French/green beans might be better to start with.

If the digestive issues continue, it would be good to have him vet checked.
Hes only 1 years old. Ok i will try that i will start with some herbs. I think he started with a poorly tummy coz my husband always gives into his wheaking and sneaks him constant veggie treats! I will see how he goes throughout the week and get him checked if it doesnt clear up. Thanks
Best have a word with your husband re. extra veg and sneaky treats then... ;)
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