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Soft Poo

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Girls piggies

New Born Pup
Jan 25, 2015
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My little sow Daisy has had soft poo now for two days. I have limited veg and stopped the introduction to grazing when I first noticed it.

Any one got any further idea to firm her up, as both my girls are getting very messy running around hutch.

Thanks Vicky
Please take Daisy off all fresh veg until at least 24-48 hours after the poos have firmed up again. If necessary top her up with hand feed (fibre!), probiotics and also offer nutrionally poor fibre in the form of brown cardboard or toilet/kithcen roll inners. If the poos are not starting to firm up within 24 hours, please see a vet.

Please re-introduce veg only slowly, one by one in small portions at first. Don't rush it!
Hi Wiebke, Daisy's been to vet as we noticed a small amount of blood in her poo. The vet has put her on antibiotics and we are booked in again for Friday.

No vegs for her until then at least. She still eating, but thank you for the links to the hand feeding at least I'll know how to do it if needed.
Wishing you all the best! Good that you have had her seen. I hope that she will heal and settle. Please make sure that you give a pinch of probiotics 1-2 hours after you give the antibiotic. ABs can have an appetite dampening/killing effect and especially baytril can make poos even softer. If she stops eating or develops outright diarrhea, please contact the the vets asap.
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