Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all me again , many of you know me with my two boys Titan and Goliath.
Does anyone ever get this awful feeling that your a bad owner? I'm not sure if it's Because work has really ramped up a gear ( I work in retail at xmas it's a NIGHTMARE) and I feel like I'm not giving them my all purely as I'm so shattered ( doing 9 am till 9pm for the past two weeks 6 days a week ..or just my anxiety kicking in again ..
Like sometimes In the morning I can hear them banging the cage ( and no it's not a c and c cage but I'll get to that later ) wanting to be let out and this happens btw at 6/630 every morning sometimes I really wish I could just say give me five more minutes ! And ignore them BUT of course I don't they are MY responsibly and I love them both with all my heart but sometimes I really wish they could understand .
Firstly their cage isn't a c and c cage it's a let's at home one which I know should be bigger BUT they are only in this cage at night and this is just for peace of mind for me that they can't escape the spare room ( which I know is escape proof) or hurt themselves in anyway , however they have most of my spare room ( I'll attach some pictures) for about 14 hours a day and sometimes I worry that they're bored or just sad BUT they have plenty of toys and snuggle things to play in .
They both eat fresh twice a day ( which admittedly I have just been throwing in their bowl and cleaning their cage before legging it out the door toast in hand ) and not hand feeding and not even barely speaking to them as I'm always in a massive rush ... for example tommorow I've got to actually be at work ( a good 20 min walk away from mine at half 7) which means me getting up at five and finishing at 6 another 13 hour day yay me ... they also have lovely nuggets and unlimited hay throughout the day so I'm pretty sure their diet is reasonably good .
They are also the first gunieapigs that I've ever met are insured yes you read that right they are insured for injuries. Up to two grand per pig per claim . Titan was sick a while ago and I got him the best care I could and he made a full recovery.
On my days off recently I've really neglected them from attention YEs they still get general husbandry feeding fresh refilling the hay tray sweeping up and washing fleece washing bedding but by the time that's all done I crawl into bed again and try and catch up .
I do scoop them both up quickly in the morning for a quick kiss but no lap time or one to one , so guys do you think I'm a bad owner?

Does anyone ever get this awful feeling that your a bad owner? I'm not sure if it's Because work has really ramped up a gear ( I work in retail at xmas it's a NIGHTMARE) and I feel like I'm not giving them my all purely as I'm so shattered ( doing 9 am till 9pm for the past two weeks 6 days a week ..or just my anxiety kicking in again ..
Like sometimes In the morning I can hear them banging the cage ( and no it's not a c and c cage but I'll get to that later ) wanting to be let out and this happens btw at 6/630 every morning sometimes I really wish I could just say give me five more minutes ! And ignore them BUT of course I don't they are MY responsibly and I love them both with all my heart but sometimes I really wish they could understand .
Firstly their cage isn't a c and c cage it's a let's at home one which I know should be bigger BUT they are only in this cage at night and this is just for peace of mind for me that they can't escape the spare room ( which I know is escape proof) or hurt themselves in anyway , however they have most of my spare room ( I'll attach some pictures) for about 14 hours a day and sometimes I worry that they're bored or just sad BUT they have plenty of toys and snuggle things to play in .
They both eat fresh twice a day ( which admittedly I have just been throwing in their bowl and cleaning their cage before legging it out the door toast in hand ) and not hand feeding and not even barely speaking to them as I'm always in a massive rush ... for example tommorow I've got to actually be at work ( a good 20 min walk away from mine at half 7) which means me getting up at five and finishing at 6 another 13 hour day yay me ... they also have lovely nuggets and unlimited hay throughout the day so I'm pretty sure their diet is reasonably good .
They are also the first gunieapigs that I've ever met are insured yes you read that right they are insured for injuries. Up to two grand per pig per claim . Titan was sick a while ago and I got him the best care I could and he made a full recovery.
On my days off recently I've really neglected them from attention YEs they still get general husbandry feeding fresh refilling the hay tray sweeping up and washing fleece washing bedding but by the time that's all done I crawl into bed again and try and catch up .
I do scoop them both up quickly in the morning for a quick kiss but no lap time or one to one , so guys do you think I'm a bad owner?