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Sore Foot

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2015
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK
Hi, I am reposting this question because I'm not sure if anyone has seen my last post and I am quite worried. Barry's foot was bleeding yesterday and on closer inspection it looks like it is his foot pad that he has hurt. The photo isn't very good sorry but opinions would be gratefully received please. I can't see what he could have cut it on in the cage and it happened soon after floor time (again nothing that I can see to cut it on ). He hasn't been fighting with Bob either.
20150426_124951.jpg Could it be bumblefoot do you think?. It hasn't bled since and I haven't noticed him licking it again. Thank you.
Please have that seen and checked by a vet! it could be the beginning of bumblefoot or just an injury that could lead to bumblefoot if left untreated.
I was planning on ringing the vet in the morning. I'm going to take Bob too because he seems to have what I think is a spur on one of his feet too. It's only now that I can handle them without too much stress on their part, that I am able to check them out and notice these things. I hope it can be sorted easily. Would it be worth getting some f &m ointment from gorgeous guineas do you think?
I was planning on ringing the vet in the morning. I'm going to take Bob too because he seems to have what I think is a spur on one of his feet too. It's only now that I can handle them without too much stress on their part, that I am able to check them out and notice these things. I hope it can be sorted easily. Would it be worth getting some f &m ointment from gorgeous guineas do you think?

If you can, please always take bonded guinea pigs together to the vet. It is a lot less stressful for them. I call the companion piggy a "paw-holder". ;)
Wishing you all the best for your two boys!
Just an update. Took Barry and Bob to the vets this morning. The vet thought the sore is where there has been hard skin and it has been caught and pulled off. He has just recommended bathing in salt water. Apparently there is another hard pad on his other foot. Bob also has one too. The vet suggested putting them both outside on something rough occasionally to exfoliate their feet. I am so relieved that it's nothing serious.:D
that is great news, @Ma7ie ! A friend of mine has placed paving blocks around the pellet bowl (they are rough, but not too rough), so the piggies have to stand on a rough surface every time they want to eat dry food. Perhaps an option for you?
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