Sows And Boars?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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Do female sows occasionally bite a boar if he's pestering them too much?

I noticed what looked to be a bite mark on Ryou a week ago and I've kept and eye on them and they seem close enough but he does chase and hump her an awful lot. Was the bite because of that?

I'm not sure but would maybe getting a second sow make it a bit better so he stops pestering her quite as much? I don't want to get a second sow if it will do nothing but its the only way I can figure to stop him doing it quite so much by making it a bit more equal with another sow sharing it.
He's definitely not scratching so I know its not from mites and he seems completely fine and healthy. I checked him over a few minutes ago and looked all through his fur.
Do female sows occasionally bite a boar if he's pestering them too much?

I noticed what looked to be a bite mark on Ryou a week ago and I've kept and eye on them and they seem close enough but he does chase and hump her an awful lot. Was the bite because of that?

I'm not sure but would maybe getting a second sow make it a bit better so he stops pestering her quite as much? I don't want to get a second sow if it will do nothing but its the only way I can figure to stop him doing it quite so much by making it a bit more equal with another sow sharing it.
He's definitely not scratching so I know its not from mites and he seems completely fine and healthy. I checked him over a few minutes ago and looked all through his fur.

It could be a scratch or a shallow bite if he couldn't back away quick enough and she misjudged a nip/snap to clear her personal space. Neither of them seem to behave like it was anything serious, so I wouldn't worry in view of a fall-out or anything like that. Hopefully, the chasing and humping will settle down more as he gets older.
Thank you Wiebke. I think you might be right.

He's about 2 years old roughly so I thought he'd have calmed down already. I got her in Feb 2014 so shes not a new sow or anything.
I think she was in heat when he was doing it though as it was last week and he hasn't done it this week.
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