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Still Really Worried About Rusty's Eye

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 7, 2012
Reaction score
Chafford Hundred Grays Essex
Posted a few days ago about Rusty and baby Ziggy having eye infections.

Took them both to the vet ( yes, two consultation fees!) who didn't really say exactly what was wrong.....just "eye infection".
Gave tube of " Isathal" antibiotic eye drops to use three times daily on each piggy.

However, I am really worried about Rusty.....his eye seems to be getting worse and now I think it has spread to the other eye as that one looks a bit red today. His eye is constantly watering and looks so sore and he cries when I put the drops in.

Baby Ziggy's eye is not so bad, just a little pink round the rims and slightly closed but not nearly as bad as Rusty's.

Rusty is still eating but he is very quiet and depressed.

Am I over reacting and perhaps just need to give the drops time to work? Should I be concerned that it has spread to the other eye?

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.
I wonder if it's conjunctivitis?

One of our boars had it last year (he was always getting uri's, ear infections etc.) which then passed to his cage mate.

What we did was wipe their eyes in cool boiled water, I can't remember if it's from the inside to the out or the other way around, then dispose of the cotton wool and use a fresh one for each eye, then put the drops in. They did take a bit of time to clear up though but they did clear and never got it back.

I bet @helen105281 or @Wiebke could help with this.
I wonder if it's conjunctivitis?

One of our boars had it last year (he was always getting uri's, ear infections etc.) which then passed to his cage mate.

What we did was wipe their eyes in cool boiled water, I can't remember if it's from the inside to the out or the other way around, then dispose of the cotton wool and use a fresh one for each eye, then put the drops in. They did take a bit of time to clear up though but they did clear and never got it back.

I bet @helen105281 or @Wiebke could help with this.
My vet told me that wiping the eye with a teabag can help with mild conjunctivitis. Soak the teabag in boiled water like you would do to make a cup of tea, let it cool, then wipe piggies eye. You might want to try this until you can get to the vet. I suggest returning to vet asap if its deteriorating.
Decided to take Rusty back to the vets tonight as I was so worried about him.

Not good news unfortunately. Vet said Rusty has probably got a bad infection ( or perhaps a tumour) behind the eye which is pushing it forwards. It could result in him losing his eye.

He has had an antibiotic injection in the eye and a shot of painkiller and we've got an appointment to take him back tomorrrow.

So fingers and everything else crossed that poor Rusty gets through this without losing his eye poor love.
glad you went back again. the eye should clear up very quickly once being treated correctly (within a day or two) so the fact it got worse means something else was/is going on.

did the vet put that dye through to check for damage? that's what ours do first to check for any damage, bits trapped there, or ulcers. perhaps consider seeing an exotics/cavvy savvy vet if yours isn't.

hope things improve soon.
Sorry to hear about his eye :( At least he's getting help, lets hope his eye heals.

I wish it only took 2 days for my guinea's eyes to clear last year, it took over a week and another trip back to the vets to make sure they were clearing properly :/
Yes the vet did mention it could be an abscess behind the eye which is pushing it forwards.

Yesterday he gave Rusty an antibiotic injection in the eye and told us to take him back today.

The eye doesn't look any better today unfortunately. It is still very red, protruding and weeping.

I am so worried about him.
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