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sudden lameness?

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Oct 13, 2010
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Hi......first foray into keeping guinea piggies is not going well! Despite doing everything I've been told by more experienced piggy peeps. My littlest piggy went v. v. suddenly lame late this abo and started dragging her back legs. Having read up on Vit C deficiency beforehand I thought I was doing everything right but is this what it is?
I haven't been feeding huge amounts of veg and fruit as was advised to stick to carrot (which they quite happily munch on) until they were a little more mature (they are approx 16 weeks), also the food I have been feeding them is a mix containing Vit C.and they seem to like this too, judging by how much has disappeared when I top it up.
I will be taking her to the vet first thing regardless but just wanted confirmation that the symptoms resemble Vit C deficiency and nothing more sinister. (I can confirm she didn't fall off anything or seemingly injure herself in any other way)
Thanks for any replies
I am sorry; something like this is the stuff that has anybody freaking! How old is your piggy, how long have you had it and where is it from?

It could be vitamin C deficiency or an injury to the spine - a bad jump or twist when pospcorning could cause a sprain. Only a vet can tell you that.

You can always dissolve a small part of a normal vitamin C tablet and dissolve it in some some water, and then syringe that - it is the best way to control the intake. Do not add anything to the water; it will only go off and make the bottle go green, but you cannot be sure that your piggy will drink it.
Thank you so much for replying and yes it's horrible!
I've had them since the 23rd September ( my daughters birthday ), I think they're about 15/16 weeks old. I got them from our local pet shop (long established, family run and highly thought of in the local community).
They supplied me with everything, gave me heaps of advice, took my name and address (even tho' I buy all my fish/dog stuff there? threw in a couple of guinea pig books free and told me to shout if any problems!
I really don't think she popcorned, the two of them had been tootling around quite happily just before we noticed.... limping to start and then dragging her self along.........I've only had her a little while but she's wormed her little self right into that place! Hope she's OK........Vet first thing!
Keep your fingers crossed.
Welcome to the forum, sorry to hear your piggie has mobility issues.

Vit C or calcium deficiency are the two I would consider at the moment, but agree that seeing a vet is worthwhile. In any case, with most illness, it is often worth just giving an extra Vit C boost. I use Tesco Chewable Vit C tablets 200mg - I give half (100mg) to a sick pig every day. Crushed and mixed with 2-3ml water, and syringed directly into piggie.

For calcium deficiency, a five day course of Osteocare Liquid Calcium should help, dosage for a little piggie under 6 months old would be 0.2ml daily.

Good luck, I hope the vet has some ideas tomorrow as well.
Cheers for replies......sounds like Vit C tabs and Osteocare liquid should be staples of my piggy medicine cabinet....will try the Vit C 2nite. Tickles says thank you xx
Well. took poor little lame Tickles to the vet this a.m. Very reassuring.
She's not seemingly suffering from a deficiency of any sort (yahoo.....I'm not a failure as a piggie mummy...yet) However it appears she's got a sore back, judging by the crescendo of squeaks as lovely gentle vet prodded the obviously sorest bit, probably from playing hard and fast with her sister.......who's been temporarily banned to the naughty igloo! One jab later and she appears much happier...I've upped the Vit C tho' and ....taking no chances.
Thanks to all, updates and photos later xx
I am glad that it was just a sprain from being boisterous! Hopefully, she'll be feeling better in a few days.
Well, not sure Tickles is much better today, although she doesn't seem to be bothered by it all..eating and drinking normally.....suppose it'll just take time. Nibbles is fed up excercising on her own tho'! Lol.
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