Sundae And Hadley Seem To Like Each Other!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
After 2 weeks of quarantine, we introduced Sundae and Hadley today. It seemed to go really well! We put towels down in our bathtub to provide a neutral, open environment. At first they mutually ignored each other, but once Sundae finally stretched out to give Hadley a sniff, Hadley got really excited and came running over! After lots of squeaking, rumbling, and mounting, they finally settled down, groomed each other's faces a bit, and then sat side by side. I'm not sure who came out on top... but most of the rumbling/mounting came from Hadley. Sundae was always the extremely submissive pig with Linney, so she just may have carried on being submissive even with Hadley, who is four years younger and about half her size! LOL! We cleaned out the cage and gave it a good scrubbing and let them both in and all seems to be going well. No scraps, and they are intermittently doing their own thing (eating, drinking, etc.) and sometimes they are both in the pigloo together. It's good to see Sundae accept another companion, as she seemed very down on her own. And Hadley already seems less skittish- she doesn't bolt every time we walk by, at any rate! :)
Well done! it sounds very much like a good partnership! :)
Just to update, they're still doing well... no spats. I can't tell who is the boss... Hadley made the most dominance plays when I introduced them, but Sundae doesn't lose any food to Hadley the way she did to Linney and they both seem to share the pigloo (that may get less comfortable once Hadley grows bigger!) I was worried that she would drive Sundae crazy because she is a baby and so boisterous and hyper and Sundae is 4.5 years old and very sedate, but so far it doesn't seem to be an issue. Hadley runs around like crazy during floor time, but Sundae just ignores her while she does!
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