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Suspected abcess under chin - worried

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Hiya sorry no advice but hope daisy improves soon , when I had a girly with a uti she had a constantly wet bum-try giving him just a rear end bottom bath..might make him feel better& less chance of him trying to clean his rear end & making his chin messy in the process.
I used to put about half an inch of warm water in the sink and support her back legs just making her genital area @ bum hair wet. With some baby shampoo in the water. Rinse thoroughly & and dry. Well I used to blow dry her but she enjoyed it. Healing vibes . Xx
I've found that since Minky's op she'll just sit it the same place for a lot of the time. Doing this her back end was getting wet where she was just lying in her wee. Their run has Megazorb covered with lots of hay. I'm now taking the used stuff out every day & topping up with fresh hay. She's now a lot drier.
Which antibiotic is he on? I've read back now and see it's septrin. It's not really the best antibiotic for dealing with pus, and five days is a very short course for something like this. Is it still open? Are you getting any pus out?

the abcess wasn't very big. There has been no pus coming out of it at all and its not been weeping etc. The hole is tiny, barely visible. Saw the vet today who gave him an injection of meloxidyl and we have some to give him at home just in case. She is happy to let it all heal up now and just leave it alone which is what I will do.

They have had a thorough clean out and I have put tons of bedding in their hutch to keep them dry. Once he is feeling better I will give him a bum wash.
I have just been out to check on them and cover them up for the night and Daisy has finally moved and seemed a lot happier. He came straight to the front of the hutch and tucked into a big bowl of veggies :) I sat watching them for a while and he was wandering about well. Now he has had pain relief I am hoping he will get better and this will be then end of it.

Thanks for all the advice

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