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Suspected Scurvy

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
Newcastle, UK
Dear readers

I took Percy to the vets on Monday I think it was and she prescribed him with antibiotics and painkillers and ruled scurvy out. The day after the vets I noticed he had discharge from his eyes and nose so I thought it was a Respiritory Infection which I was kind of pleased about because the antibiotics should work.

It is now Friday and Percy is worse if anything. He still has discharge and does not have any energy to move. His skin is peeling which makes me think it's scurvy.

I don't really know what to do but I have gave him 5ml of orange juice because I know that is high in vitamin C but unfortunately too much would be bad because of high sugar content.

Has anyone had a guinea pig with scurvy before and if so what did you do?

Many thanks

@Abi_nurse @Pebble @helen105281

Sorry you and Percy are going through this tagging in our experts.

Do you have any exotic vets nearby? Will put feelers out for you

First Vets
81 Station Rd
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear, NE12 8AQ

Are our recommended vets for that area.
Scurvy in guinea pigs is far less common these days due to the good diets available out there, but it's not impossible. To give me a better idea of things could you let me know the following:

- your piggies usual diet?
- what antibiotics he is on?
- what was the vets diagnosis?
- how old is he and where did he come from (ie pet shop, rescue etc)?

Orange juice is ok. But I would crush up a very small amount of a human vitamin c tablet and syringe it to him if your at all worried.

Please get him to a vets this weekend. He sounds very poorly.

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