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it is safe to eat, but whether they eat it is another thing... Ours silently mocked the choice of vegetable...
Mine have a reluctant nibble.but 'm wondering if it's amongst the veggies that are fattening though
Yes it's a turnip. Only a select few of mine will eat it, they're very picky about if they eat it, hence I don't often feed it.

I like turnips too much to share with my pigs lol! I'd gobble them up before they got anywhere close to the cage ;)
I like turnips too much to share with my pigs lol! I'd gobble them up before they got anywhere close to the cage ;)

I eat more swede preparing their veg than they get . It's my way of getting one of my 5 a day.

I've heard that it's good to perseveretrying guinea pigs with swede as it's a good source of vitamin C
I have given it mine a couple of times and they seemed to enjoy it.will give it them a bit more often if its a good source of vitamin c
I have never tried mine on this. I wonder if it would be something to try to add to their variety.
I sometimes give mine a few small bits of swede instead of parsnip, just for a change. But they are difficult to cut, they're so hard!
If you can get them with the leaves on, they are good for scalping practice! LOL!
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