Sweep Out For A Brush And Cuddles

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What brush do you use to groom Sweep? He looks absolutely gorgeous so you must have a really good brushing regime! I've got an abbyruvian who needs bushing but I've never found the perfect brush.
What brush do you use to groom Sweep? He looks absolutely gorgeous so you must have a really good brushing regime! I've got an abbyruvian who needs bushing but I've never found the perfect brush.
I bought the brushes from pets at home about 5 years ago. Lasted realy well.I use the brushes on this page. I keep his fur short round his legs and bum, and regually brush and trim his fur. I hold the hair at the top and gently brush- so it doesn't pull. He has textel fur - so a very wiry coat- and the brush works find on his hair. I find the key is keeping them calm and distracted. If you brush a small amount daily- keeps any knots at bay - but don't let the brush tug the fur- or they will squeak, slowly gently brush holding the end of his hair. :)
Hope this helps :)

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