Switch To Carefresh Bedding

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Hi everyone! So when I moved little miss Vixen into her new/temporary cage, I switched her from fleece to the carefresh bedding. I never used it before since it was really pricey when I had 4 pigs. Anyways, my question is how often am I supposed to replace it?! I go in there every day and check for wet spots and there's literally nothing! It doesn't smell and I make sure to dig around and mix all the bedding to ensure nothings wet or soggy. I last changed it 4 days ago and since I'm used to fleece and changing every three days, I'm not certain how often this stuff needs to be replaced. I'm thinking 5 days should be the max? Or should I be replacing it earlier? Thanks! lol :)
Hi everyone! So when I moved little miss Vixen into her new/temporary cage, I switched her from fleece to the carefresh bedding. I never used it before since it was really pricey when I had 4 pigs. Anyways, my question is how often am I supposed to replace it?! I go in there every day and check for wet spots and there's literally nothing! It doesn't smell and I make sure to dig around and mix all the bedding to ensure nothings wet or soggy. I last changed it 4 days ago and since I'm used to fleece and changing every three days, I'm not certain how often this stuff needs to be replaced. I'm thinking 5 days should be the max? Or should I be replacing it earlier? Thanks! lol :)
I don't change my hamster or gerbil's carefresh for maybe 2-4 weeks as it never smells and I use the sign of it smelling to determine when I need to clean them out or if it doesn't smell I find it to maybe be messy but also still be really clean but its up to you really as its your animals living conditions and I hoped this helped :)
Thats interesting! I tried it this week in Jack and Hector's cage as I'm looking for an alternative to fleece for when I have crazy-busy weeks at work. Hector is a long haired (something like a sheltie x peruvian) and his hair gets caught up in everything so I wondered if the carefresh would get caught up in his hair. However, I found it smelt really quickly and got soggy! I'm glad its working for vixen though.
Thats interesting! I tried it this week in Jack and Hector's cage as I'm looking for an alternative to fleece for when I have crazy-busy weeks at work. Hector is a long haired (something like a sheltie x peruvian) and his hair gets caught up in everything so I wondered if the carefresh would get caught up in his hair. However, I found it smelt really quickly and got soggy! I'm glad its working for vixen though.
It's weird, isn't it? I mean there's poop but it's all dry as I mix the bedding up daily. Vixen's feet are clean and not red so I'm perplexed!
Thats interesting! I tried it this week in Jack and Hector's cage as I'm looking for an alternative to fleece for when I have crazy-busy weeks at work. Hector is a long haired (something like a sheltie x peruvian) and his hair gets caught up in everything so I wondered if the carefresh would get caught up in his hair. However, I found it smelt really quickly and got soggy! I'm glad its working for vixen though.

Have you tried Fitch with them?

I found the same with my long haired girl stripey most other beddings try and stick to her and get tangled but fitch doesn't seem to do this thankfully! :)
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