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Teas - Currently Full To Capacity

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
We are currently full, and unfortunately unable to take any further temporary residents for now. However, I am available to offer any advice over the phone. Contact details are on the website. www.teasnorthampton.co.uk

Most of our current, temporary residents are doing very well and should hopefully be heading home within the next few weeks, which will mean places will be available again.
Wish I lived near you and had more room. Hope all the piggys find loving homes soon.
The temporary residents return home once they're better. We also have permanent residents, who are going to need ongoing treatment for the rest of their lives.
Hope you are OK and managing with a full house. I did tell you that it was dangerous to say that things were under control a few weeks ago!;)
I have told Barney Bubbles that his teeth have to remain under control and mustn't grow wonky - I am not sure he was listening....
It's fantastic your able to help so many piggies and lovely that some are due home shortly you do an amazing job Debbie. :-)
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