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Terminal piggy - Pepper

Sending big hugs, it’s a bittersweet time. I really don’t know what is worst, the sadness of knowing a piggie is nearing the end of their life or finding they have suddenly slipped away without any goodbyes. I would just try and enjoy your Pepper in the here and now. Don’t think too far ahead just make lots of memories. We are all here to support you, I’m glad he is doing so well on his medication x
Micah was diagnosed with a tumour last year.
With extra Critical care and pain meds he lived very happily and even gained weight for a while.
It was only in his last few days that he suddenly went downhill.
I’m so sorry for Pepper’s diagnosis.
Make lots of memories and lots of happy todays for as long as he has.
Caring for a terminal piggy is emotionally draining because we are already grieving.
Look after yourself as well
Hugs 🤗
Penny Pig had what was a suspected tumour. She'd had noisy breathing for several months and we tried many things to alleviate this, and in the end the vet said that as nothing had really made a difference, the likelihood was that it was a tumour. We could have done further investigations, but as treatment would be impossible, we decided to let her live however long she had left in peace.
She looked absolutely fine during all of this, was eating and socialising with the others. It was just at the end that she found it hard to eat, and went off on her own to sit in a corner. That's when we went off to the vet for that last injection. The thing in her nose had started to affect her eyes also by then. It all seemed to happen in a rush, so at least she had a good quality of life, up to the end.
I still can't decide which is worse - knowing the end is coming, or a sudden crash with no warning. Either way it's not an easy time, for us who care for them x
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. I will take my cues from Pepper. When he shows me he’s ready I will help him on his way. He’s such a sweet piggy. He’s doing well at the moment so fingers crossed this will continue.
So sorry to learn that Pepper is having to be helped over the Rainbow Bridge. It is the last act of love you can give him. He'll be having fun with Percy again,
Pepper is off to the vets this evening to be helped over the bridge. Percy will be waiting for him 💔


I am glad for you that Pepper could leave from his familiar surroundings carried by the wings of your love.

Be kind with yourself in the coming days.
I’m so sorry. I hope you can find some comfort that Pepper chose his time to go quietly in his familiar environment. Sleep tight little chap ❤️
I am so sorry that Pepper had to leave you, sending hugs.
Popcorn happily Pepper over that Rainbow Bridge 🌈