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Terminal piggy - Pepper

Sending you massive hugs.
So sad Pepper has gone, but nice that he left on his own terms surrounded by love and in the familiar comfortable setting/smells of his home.
Popcorn free Pepper with Percy at the 🌈bridge.xx
I'm so sorry you lost Pepper. 💔😭 But I'm sure he felt all the love you've given him.

Popcorn free Pepper. You will be missed. 🌈❤️
How are you all feeling today?
Hello Heather. ❤️ I’m feeling sad but oddly relieved that Pepper went quickly and painlessly. I feel blessed that I witnessed his passing. If he had gone in the night I’m sure I would be wondering why, what, how. And if he had gotten to his vet appointment I’m sure I would be feeling a bit of guilt today too.