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Texter Or Caller?

Text or call?

  • Text

    Votes: 15 88.2%
  • Call

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Neither much

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Chief Guinea Pig

Senior Guinea Pig
Nov 4, 2013
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Do you text a lot, or do you call a lot. Or neither!
I don't text, my phones not on contract so I would be broke otherwise, but it don't call much either. All I really do is on my phone is go on the forum!
I tend to text more than call. But that's because I only really text my mum and my boyfriend haha! We are always so busy and at different times so phone calls are harder for me.

We just tend to text then we can reply when we have a spare moment in the day :)
I tend to text more than call. But that's because I only really text my mum and my boyfriend haha! We are always so busy and at different times so phone calls are harder for me.

We just tend to text then we can reply when we have a spare moment in the day :)
I think it is strange how people text each other to say they're drinking coffee!
I text more than call, unless it's for a marathon catch-up with my best friend or my mum. I find it quite hard to relax around people sometimes and don't want to be in that awkward situation of having nothing to say but not wanting to come across as rude by ending the conversation, haha!
I text more than call, unless it's for a marathon catch-up with my best friend or my mum. I find it quite hard to relax around people sometimes and don't want to be in that awkward situation of having nothing to say but not wanting to come across as rude by ending the conversation, haha!
Lol. I am always the one to press the red telephone button to end it!
I think it is strange how people text each other to say they're drinking coffee!

That is weird. Me and my boyfriend are long distance so we just update each other on how our day and uni work is going. Seeing him Friday for the first time in 4 weeks yay :)

I do prefer phone calls though. Feels like you're actually talking to the person rather than typing to a phone..
That is weird. Me and my boyfriend are long distance so we just update each other on how our day and uni work is going. Seeing him Friday for the first time in 4 weeks yay :)

I do prefer phone calls though. Feels like you're actually talking to the person rather than typing to a phone..
Aw, I bet you miss him! That is a long time not to see someone. Although I hate it when people go all soppy on eachother on I'm a celebrity and they've only been apart a week!
Aw, I bet you miss him! That is a long time not to see someone. Although I hate it when people go all soppy on eachother on I'm a celebrity and they've only been apart a week!

Haha same! My flat mate's boyfriend goes to the same uni as us. One night without him and it's the end of the world! :doh:

It is a long time to not see him. It's nice to have a long phone call with him, but sometimes work just gets in the way. We try our best and it's been working great like this for the last 2 and a half years. We are reunited in summer this year properly. :) I don't think I'll use my phone much when we are haha! Except to check the forum of course ;)
Haha same! My flat mate's boyfriend goes to the same uni as us. One night without him and it's the end of the world! :doh:

It is a long time to not see him. It's nice to have a long phone call with him, but sometimes work just gets in the way. We try our best and it's been working great like this for the last 2 and a half years. We are reunited in summer this year properly. :) I don't think I'll use my phone much when we are haha! Except to check the forum of course ;)
I often use my ipad to do the forum. My phones screen size annoys me. Even though it's the same size as an iPhone!
I often use my ipad to do the forum. My phones screen size annoys me. Even though it's the same size as an iPhone!

I often use my phone for the forum. My sister is always like 'who on earth have you been texting for this long?!' Then she's like 'oh you're on that forum again' haha!
My gosh just realised a club thumb is also known as a murderers thumb! I'm really scarring myself now!
I often use my phone for the forum. My sister is always like 'who on earth have you been texting for this long?!' Then she's like 'oh you're on that forum again' haha!
Haha. Sleep, feed pigs, clean pigs, eat, repeat!

I HATE making phone calls to people I don't know! I get to anxious!
I only ever call my mum or boyfriend.
Then again.. I only ever text my mum and boyfriend too! Haha!

But other than to people I know, I avoid making phonecalls as much as I possibly can!

I HATE making phone calls to people I don't know! I get to anxious!
I only ever call my mum or boyfriend.
Then again.. I only ever text my mum and boyfriend too! Haha!

But other than to people I know, I avoid making phonecalls as much as I possibly can!
Is it me or do you sound like you have a cold on the phone, videos, cameras etc?
I definitely text more. I hate talking on the phone with a passion....unless it's my mum. I have to call my mum because she doesn't quite know how to text properly so I end up with a load of nonsense!
Is it me or do you sound like you have a cold on the phone, videos, cameras etc?
OOh - I hate listening to my own voice.

PS - I hate voicemail messages too

Phone me , text me or email me - but NEVER leave a message on voicemail!
... And I don't understand most of the abbreviations you youngsters use.

I've had to google some abbreviations for a translation!
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