The adventures of Branch and Leaf


Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
Zürich, Switzerland
I have to start by saying that adopting a new boar pair was certainly not on my agenda, but while I was in the UK the lovely Helen from @The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue introduced me to Branch and Leaf.
Initially I was strong and said no, but when they had received no interest after being on display all day at the Christmas Fair I decided to bring them home to Switzerland. Initially Helen said a home check wouldn't be necessary, but when I mentioned I live close to a chocolate factory offering free tastings, she and @VickiA said that they might have to pop across to Switzerland after all.
I do love dealing with a responsible rescue.

Being a spur of the moment adoption I didn't really have any piggy appropriate supplies with me, so back at the hotel they had a mince pie for dinner.
Thankfully they seem quite flexible about their diet.

Next I just had to work out how to get them from Manchester to Switzerland.
Haha I love a beautiful story with a happy ending for all. I hope Ruby isn't too put out by the new additions
I was wondering how Ruby was going to take to them too!
Helen seemed fairly confident that despite two boars and a sow not being an ideal mix, both Branch and Leaf would probably be accepted by Ruby.
They are currently living side by side and so far no problems, but more on that particular adventure later. ;)
Next stage of the adventure was getting the boys home.
Obviously I didn't have a carrier with me, but once again they proved their flexible natures by seeming quite happy to be transported in my back pack.
My fleece Kindle cover doubled up as a comfortable (and absorbent) bed for them.

On the plane there was some slight bickering over their new territory (namely who got the window seat), but they soon settled down and were happy to finally make it to Zurich.

Now they have been at home for a while the next step will be introducing them to Ruby.
I have high hopes for this unconventional trio :D
I have to start by saying that adopting a new boar pair was certainly not on my agenda, but while I was in the UK the lovely Helen from @The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue introduced me to Branch and Leaf.
Initially I was strong and said no, but when they had received no interest after being on display all day at the Christmas Fair I decided to bring them home to Switzerland. Initially Helen said a home check wouldn't be necessary, but when I mentioned I live close to a chocolate factory offering free tastings, she and @VickiA said that they might have to pop across to Switzerland after all.
I do love dealing with a responsible rescue.
View attachment 127475

Being a spur of the moment adoption I didn't really have any piggy appropriate supplies with me, so back at the hotel they had a mince pie for dinner.
Thankfully they seem quite flexible about their diet.
View attachment 127476

Next I just had to work out how to get them from Manchester to Switzerland.

I am seriously thinking of only having this type of piggy at TEAS! My life would be sooooooooo much easier and our bank balance so much healthier! 🤣
Oh god this made me laugh! I nearly adopted them, so glad they have a good home!