The Beginning Of Our Pigs Home..

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 5, 2015
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Hi everyone

In a few weeks our first Guinea pigs will come and join our family!
In the mean while, their home is being built by a company in Holland:
They sent us a picture last week after the first day they started building
So it's still early, but with a bit of imagination you can make something of it..
It's going to have stairs, so they can go up and down..
It's 120 cm by 60 cm with 2 levels.
We are going to keep 2 boars, so that is plenty of space for them i think!
I will keep you posted when i have new pictures..!

I actually looked at the pictures of your piggies home yesterday Mark!
You did an excellent job, looks really great!
If only i was as handy as you.. I am spending a fortune on our pigs home, i'm actually ashamed of how much we are spending on it.. But people who bought one with them are very pleased, 10 years later it would still look in great shape, so it's worth the money i guess..
Thanks. It cost about £200 to build in the end and many many hours/days. A labour of love :-D it is worth spending a bit more for something that will last though. Like you say it will last.
That's true, ours cost £370, but if you count in the hours in that they spend on building it. I think it's an honest price, materials aren't cheap, and they have to pay for the people who work in their company, and that's everything but cheap. .
It looks great, like a dolls house! I have heard that materials for things like hutches are much more expensive in Holland than in the UK, is that true?
I don't know the prices in UK goth mommy so i can't answer to that..
Today they are going to send a new picture with updates, can't wait to see it! Next week it should be finished :yahoo:
That hutch, or whatever you'd call it, really doesn't look all that big to me. It would be better as a dolls house. 120 cm by 60 cm? That's only 2 foot by 1 foot! Even with two levels, that's very small.
120cmx60cm is 4ftx2ft
That hutch, or whatever you'd call it, really doesn't look all that big to me. It would be better as a dolls house. 120 cm by 60 cm? That's only 2 foot by 1 foot! Even with two levels, that's very small.
That hutch, or whatever you'd call it, really doesn't look all that big to me. It would be better as a dolls house. 120 cm by 60 cm? That's only 2 foot by 1 foot! Even with two levels, that's very small.
Well i don't know what your standards are for guinea pigs, but here we find 2 stories of 120 by 60 a large place for only 2 pigs :whistle:
But hey, we al have different opinions and that's ok.. As long as the piggies are happy, right? ;)
Over here we find C&C cages weird, we are more used to this kind of furniture.
I will post pictures when it's finished, and decorated, maybe that will give you a better look at things :nod:
I think your piggies will love it, my pigs cages would ppb considered small to most ppl but to me there big enough because they get lots of floor time and they are also older so they dont move around as much and hey it works super well for me, cant wait to see your cage all done up with piggies in it KATRIEN
Looks very pretty. Is there any air vents?
Air vents are at all sides, each level has 4 airvents of 7cm
I wish i could have had it more open, but we have 3 cats and i don't trust them alone with them ;)
Thanks everyone! Monday they are going to deliver it, so somewhere next week i will show you when it's all finished and decorated! Can't wait! :yahoo:
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