The Guinea Pig Magazine (my Review)

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Goth Mummy

Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 11, 2013
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So I managed to get my first issue of The Guinea Pig magazine! I did once look for it once before at Pets at Home, but got confused when I could not find it and bought “Small Furry Animals” instead.
It is really good! I very much enjoyed reading the article about lethal piggies @MerryPip
I also found the article on cysts really interesting, and am going to order some back issues based on the veterinary articles featured as the information was excellent (unfortunately I could really do with reading the article from issue 21 on abscesses right now!).
And its always lovely to see more pigtures of Wiebke’s tribe!
I also enjoyed the tribute pages and the rescue story of the poor piggy who was kept in the children’s nursery.

Thanks for a great magazine – I will definitely be buying it again.

I did however have some problems actually getting hold of it! It was not on the rack at Pet Hut – and when I asked the (rather disinterested) staff member said they had not seen it. I asked him to go and check if it had been delivered but not put out as I had read on TGPM website that it should have been in stores on 10 November. He said that he didn’t think it was. I asked again for him to check the post and he finally found it in an un-opened parcel. So my harassing of the staff paid off ;) I will continue to try to buy it from Pet Hut as I think it would be good if a magazine such as that was more widely visible to the general public, not just to us dedicated piggy slaves who take time to seek out information.
I also have an idea for a contribution J
@piggyfan I think you would really enjoy the magazine and you would definitely love to look at the beautiful pigtures J
So I managed to get my first issue of The Guinea Pig magazine! I did once look for it once before at Pets at Home, but got confused when I could not find it and bought “Small Furry Animals” instead.
It is really good! I very much enjoyed reading the article about lethal piggies @MerryPip
I also found the article on cysts really interesting, and am going to order some back issues based on the veterinary articles featured as the information was excellent (unfortunately I could really do with reading the article from issue 21 on abscesses right now!).
And its always lovely to see more pigtures of Wiebke’s tribe!
I also enjoyed the tribute pages and the rescue story of the poor piggy who was kept in the children’s nursery.

Thanks for a great magazine – I will definitely be buying it again.

I did however have some problems actually getting hold of it! It was not on the rack at Pet Hut – and when I asked the (rather disinterested) staff member said they had not seen it. I asked him to go and check if it had been delivered but not put out as I had read on TGPM website that it should have been in stores on 10 November. He said that he didn’t think it was. I asked again for him to check the post and he finally found it in an un-opened parcel. So my harassing of the staff paid off ;) I will continue to try to buy it from Pet Hut as I think it would be good if a magazine such as that was more widely visible to the general public, not just to us dedicated piggy slaves who take time to seek out information.
I also have an idea for a contribution J
@piggyfan I think you would really enjoy the magazine and you would definitely love to look at the beautiful pigtures J
I actually subscribe to it. I love the magazine. The story of the poor piggy who lived in a nursery upset me so much. Poor sweet thing.
Its great that Guinea Pig Magazine is available in P@H now, but the staff buy up all the issues before Joe Public can get a look-in!
That's why I've subscribed.
I've got to get the latest issue, it's the only thing I go in P@H for unless @Dindypig is going to The Potteries Animal Rescues Christmas Fair at Kidsgrove Town Hall on Saturday then I'll get one there. I bought the first 19 issues at a Cavy Corner event in the spring & have bought 3 more since. I haven't read them all yet but just got 15 to 18 to read. I tend to take 4 on a long rail journey like last Saturday's Forum Meet in Glasgow when I read 11 to 14 on the way there & back. Some really good articles & still finding out more piggy stuff that I didn't know x
@piggyfan Oh I didn't realise - it has some beautiful pictures doesn't it (and some interestingly gruesome medical ones!).

The story of the nursery pig really upset me too. He must have lived a life of misery and terror :(
@piggyfan Oh I didn't realise - it has some beautiful pictures doesn't it (and some interestingly gruesome medical ones!).

The story of the nursery pig really upset me too. He must have lived a life of misery and terror :(
Yes, I love the pictures. It is really interesting too and I love to hear about the rescues and wonderful work they do.

What saddened me was the fact he still drinks water quickly in case he does not get any more. That is heartbreaking.
Goth Mummy if you can get to the Potteries Xmas Fair at Kidsgrove on Saturday I will have my "complete collection" of GPM there as well as the chance to meet the Four Piggies and a Slave.
I would love to @karonus but it is my son's birthday celebration with his grandparents on that day (it was his 9th birthday yesterday). Next year I will be more aware of the date of the Potteries Christmas fair when organising our family activities as I would love to go and so would my son! I did wonder if I could re-arrange the family..... but concluded that it was not possible without causing offence!

@piggyfan that is the heart breaking bit isn't it. I used to have a rescue horse who was left in his stable and starved and though he always had ad lib hay when he lived with me he always bolted his feed and was aggressive around food, you had to put the feed bowl over the stable door and get leave him to it or you would get bitten or kicked. He was affectionate the rest of the time.
Sadly the previous worm damage and acid caused by an empty stomach caused ulcers and damage to his gut and he was put to sleep due to recurrent colic.

I thought the "piggy stars in the sky" tributes was a lovely idea too :)
Thankyou. I'm happy that I tried my best for him, and that he had lots of food and proper care with me, and he was in such a poor state when I took him on that I knew he may not get well again but it was worth a chance :(

I know a local school where their piggies are left all weekend and its such a bad example to the children.
Thankyou. I'm happy that I tried my best for him, and that he had lots of food and proper care with me, and he was in such a poor state when I took him on that I knew he may not get well again but it was worth a chance :(

I know a local school where their piggies are left all weekend and its such a bad example to the children.
Could you tell the RSPCA?
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