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The New Set Up

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Thought I would share some of the new set up I have for Amber and Mabel. I still need to add a litter tray for the hay downstairs which I'm getting tomorrow. :)

The carpet we added to the ramp. (Which Mabel has already been whizzing up and down) You can slightly see the black plastic that was added over the wooden bottom floor too.


Bedding area. More hay was added here once the photo was taken. :)


Downstairs area.


Managed to get a really quick snap of Amber eating and Mabel about the try out the ramp!

Is that from pets at home x am thinking of getting one x x
I love the rody tunnel by savic! Possibly my boys' favourite house ever!
Looks lovely what you have done x
The cage n house for me am thinking of getting the bluebell one where did you get the black plastic bottom from too n cage looks great too x x x
This one am thinking of getting


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Not sure why is come up upside down tho x x x
The cage n house for me am thinking of getting the bluebell one where did you get the black plastic bottom from too n cage looks great too x x x

The hutch is Pets at home rose cottage :) it's currently at a reduced price! It is very similar to the bluebell. I got the Rose because of the thicker wood and pull out tray at the top. This will be handy for me because I've got terrible knees! (And only 21 years old! Haha)

The hut was also pets at home however I got that a while ago and not sure if they still do it. I think they do one similar with a love heart cut out window?

The plastic is sticky back plastic from wilkinsons I think :) my dad bought it for me. Pretty sure that's where he got it from.
I need to house 3 boys they are 12wks old now n carrying on a bit tho I do have all 3 living in azoo zone cage at mo how many you got hun x
Yes the one under the blue fleece.

Yes that was pets at home. They really love that because they can wake up from a nap, have a good chew then snooze again haha! Not sure if they still sell the same one but saw one similar in their the other day :)
Added a litter tray this morning. I was going to get a smaller one but remembered that they won't be tiny forever!


I was being spied on by Mabel.


I went out this morning to find the fleece had been pulled off and Amber had snuggled in it. I'm going to get them another one if she seems to like it :)
Added a litter tray this morning. I was going to get a smaller one but remembered that they won't be tiny forever!


I was being spied on by Mabel.


I went out this morning to find the fleece had been pulled off and Amber had snuggled in it. I'm going to get them another one if she seems to like it :)
Awww that's so cute!
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