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The Piggy Room Extention

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Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
With the addition of my new girls yesterday I had to add an extension to my room for another C&C cage. At first I thought to have a level higher, but it turned out to be to high for me to reach, as I have bad knees I can't go climbing on chairs etc. Also I have decided to give fleece another try. I did love the stuff, but I found the smell horrid even when I changed ever other day. I am giving it another try in the hope I was doing it wrong, plus I've made a munching area in each section to try and lesson the amount of urine and poops etc on the fleece. I love the fleece, so warm and comfortable under food. I have new cosy beds on order and some more toys as I've had to spread what i had between the two groups.

My older ladies are in the larger L shaped C&C cage and my two new ladies are in the bottom C&C cage which is a 2x4.


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Wow, what a set up you have. I did not know you had gerbils! I think gerbils are gorgeous.
Yes I have two female gerbils called Penny and Doller :) x x
Wow that's fantastic! A whole room of their own! Love the setup, particularly the munching area- what a good idea. You've done it all so quickly! Did your new girls have fun when you first put them in?
Wow that's fantastic! A whole room of their own! Love the setup, particularly the munching area- what a good idea. You've done it all so quickly! Did your new girls have fun when you first put them in?

They are a little jumpy when I'm moving around but when I stood nice and still they moved around for a nosy and then munched on their salad for tea. The hubby and I have spent all day redoing the piggy room, I can't move in it but i can reach everything and the pigs are happy lol!
:clap:Wow wow wow poorly Ruth , you and your hubby have done a fab job I think the feeding area is a great idea......hello lovely ladies :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
I hope your resting now Mrs.
Gerbils are a fab pet, you should give a home to some more :)
Also I love your cage set up, amazing job, I thought I commented but I didn't :( sorry!

I love it though :')
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