The Sun Newspaper And Guinea Pigs

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2014
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hi. I don't buy papers but I've just been told by a friend that there's a lady in the sun who puts her pigs on you tube and earns £24k doing so. I'm not going to use my pigs to make money but am intrigued. Has anyone seen it or can they point me in the right direction to the you tube link? I've googled it but can only find a lady who was singled out by police end a battering ram ready for a drugs raid and she had the heater on in her garage for her pigs. :D
I still can't see how she makes money. By gum, she's got some gorgeous pigs
I still can't see how she makes money. By gum, she's got some gorgeous pigs
She maybe gets advertising money from her videos. I have not seen them so I'm not sure. I think I read that she makes and sells piggie items too so she will get money from that :)
I still can't see how she makes money. By gum, she's got some gorgeous pigs

She makes money, because of the number of hits on her Youtube channel, advertisers pay her to advertise on her channel... :nod:
Ah I see. Maybe I should use my pigs then! The vet did say that they would be good on a calendar as they are so pretty not that I'm biased or anything :love:
If that's the case the lady on here with the outside run missed a trick there
I met her a few weeks ago because she lives close to me. So she personally delivered my piggie snug she made instead of charging me delivery costs.

She was very lovely and down to earth. I'm happy she's doing well with the piggie stuff! :)
I love her videos and products, and think she does an excellent job of promoting good animal care.

However, now this has made the nationals, really hope we don't see copycats who prioritise the money-making aspect of this over taking good care of their pigs .

Please do not interpret this as a dig at PiggiePigPigs and I'm a huge fan and to The Sun's credit they did have a boxout in the article outlining how much care goes into looking after them, but - as we're all aware - not everyone in this world has animal welfare at the forefront of their minds.
I love watching her videos too! I'm slightly addicted to watching guinea videos and peoples set ups and organisation for them! Only downside is I always want what I see for my piggies but they're spoilt enough!
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