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The Walking Dead, Season 5, Second Half!

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Sutton in Ashfield, UK.
Just kinda following on from my The walking dead thread last year!

Watch out for spoilers here too!

It's finally back! And ive just finished watching the episode!.. And.. Well.... I'm so shocked! I can't believe it!

Poor Tyreese D: Genuinely thought he would live! I cheered so loud when they chopped his arm off! I thought if Hershel could live with one leg Tyreese could defintely live with one arm! Huge shame for a main character death so soon after Beth!

I really liked the way the episode was shot though, it was pretty interesting! Wasn't expecting to see some of the older cast too! As a whole though, I enjoyed the episode. But I will miss Tyreese!

Did anyone watch it? Thoughts? :D
Yep, enjoyable episode, Tyreese lived a lot longer in the comics, so I was shocked to see him go! At least now the group has got something to aim for. ;)
Oh my god how did I not know this was back. I will be watching it later. Tried to skim over your post to avoid spoilers, but nevermind its my own fault!

I am literally obsessed with this show, binged watched the other seasons on NowTV.

Daryl is the one :love:
It sounds a good programme, but don't think I'll risk watching it! Zombies and limbs are scary :eek:
Yep, enjoyable episode, Tyreese lived a lot longer in the comics, so I was shocked to see him go! At least now the group has got something to aim for. ;)
I actually thought he was going to wake up and the whole thing would be a dream. Kind of like a warning to not go in there! I wasn't expecting a death so soon!

Oh my god how did I not know this was back. I will be watching it later. Tried to skim over your post to avoid spoilers, but nevermind its my own fault!

I am literally obsessed with this show, binged watched the other seasons on NowTV.

Daryl is the one :love:
Yes! It's back! :D I'm like a child in a toy store when it's on! So excited!

apologies for ruining it for you! It's a good episode though, I think you will enjoy!

Daryl, yes! :drool: He's not really in this episode though!

It sounds a good programme, but don't think I'll risk watching it! Zombies and limbs are scary :eek:
I highly recommend it! I wouldn't really say it's scary as such, so I wouldn't worry about that! I'd say it's more tense than scary!
I actually thought he was going to wake up and the whole thing would be a dream. Kind of like a warning to not go in there! I wasn't expecting a death so soon!

Yes! It's back! :D I'm like a child in a toy store when it's on! So excited!

apologies for ruining it for you! It's a good episode though, I think you will enjoy!

Daryl, yes! :drool: He's not really in this episode though!

I highly recommend it! I wouldn't really say it's scary as such, so I wouldn't worry about that! I'd say it's more tense than scary!
Might have to give it a go then. I like horror so should be ok!
I've been waiting so long for [you]TWD[you][/you][/you] to come back! I totally thought Tyreese was going to make it after they cut his arm off! It was such a shock, I wasn't expecting another death so soon after Beth.

Whoa there, I'm first in line :raz:
I was screaming at the tv! "Quick! Chop it off! There's still time!"

Most deaths have been pretty predictable in twd recently, but this one was a complete shock! Just like deaths were in the earlier season!
It sounds a good programme, but don't think I'll risk watching it! Zombies and limbs are scary :eek:
It is gruesome, it's more scary to see what the humans left do to eachother though! Zombies are easier to deal with.

Think we have the makings of a Daryl fan club. @BossHogg you in?
I will! Because I get up for work at 4am i'm in bed for 8.30 to 9pm at night so I always have to watch it the evening after!
I will! Because I get up for work at 4am i'm in bed for 8.30 to 9pm at night so I always have to watch it the evening after!

I usually end up watching it Monday morning online, because it was shown in America on Sunday, it's available online! But this time I managed to force myself to wait and actually watch it on TV the first time!

I think you'll enjoy it. The way the episode is shot is so different, it's pretty interesting!
Everyone is in the Daryl fan club, if you know it or not:))
Daryl is nice enough, I'd rather cuddle up with Rosita though! :wub:

I worry Rosita would catch a chill, her one outfit seems to have been looted from the fancy dress shop.

I'm not sure I can cope anymore, need to go home so I can watch!
I'm not really a fan of Rosita. If I was surrounded by zombies, I'd cover up a bit more!

You need too watch! I wouldn't be able to wait this long haha!
I watched this last night. I cried a tiny bit when poor Tyreese died. He was so sweet. RIP.

Cannot wait to see next weeks episode!
I'm not really a fan of Rosita. If I was surrounded by zombies, I'd cover up a bit more!

You need too watch! I wouldn't be able to wait this long haha!
I always thought that was ridiculous. Any sane woman would cover herself up. Whats the point of showing off to men if a zombie gets easy access to eat you? I'd rather be alive thank you.
I watched this last night. I cried a tiny bit when poor Tyreese died. He was so sweet. RIP.

Cannot wait to see next weeks episode!

I'm really going to miss Tyreese. I think that was the first time ive been genuinely surprised by the show for a while now!

I'm excited for next week too! I haven't seen the teaser trailer for next week yet though, it doesn't show it on TV!

I would much rather be alive too! Give me Glenn's old riot gear and Id be happy!
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