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Thick White Discharge

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New Born Pup
Apr 10, 2015
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Hi fellow cavies, my fluffy female guinea pig of just under a year old has started to have a bit of a thick white discharge from Her lady areas. I have gently washed this area in warm water and has improved but have noticed a small crack in her skin around this area. I was thinking thrush? Her female friend is fine. Any idea for home remedies or is it the V E T?
Many thanks in advance for advice given x
Welcome to the forum.

Definitely a vets visit, I have never heard of thrush in piggies. The crack needs looking at for sure. We have a vets locator at top of the page.

Sometimes wee can be milky in colour, this may be a daft question but are you sure your piggy is a girl?
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Please see a vet. Thick white discharge is not normal. The crack should also be investigated.

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Hi everyone, thanks for all your advice. I bought both guinea pigs from Pets at Home, they should have sexed them correctly, surely? Okay will book in with the pets at home vet as they have their medical notes. Thanks again for the really prompt replies, am impressed
Piggies have been incorrectly sexed in the past, so it wouldn't at all surprise.

Best of luck!
pets at home are not the best at many things unfortunately. :evil: would also advise seeing an exotics/cavy savvy vet and not the pets at home vets. there is a vet locator at the top of the home page. good luck.
Hi everyone, thanks for all your advice. I bought both guinea pigs from Pets at Home, they should have sexed them correctly, surely? Okay will book in with the pets at home vet as they have their medical notes. Thanks again for the really prompt replies, am impressed

We still see the results of pet shop mis-sexing turning up in our pregnancy section on a regular basis. Sadly, pet shop staff are not necessarily knowledgeable about the pets they are selling. :(

You are always welcome to post a picture of the genitalia for a second opinion, the clearer the picture, the better, if you suspect mis-sexing being the issue that you are confronted with.
https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/how-to-post-photos.112751/ or copy/paste directly into your past if you have uploaded the picture elsewhere.

Here is the link to the currently best sexing website with lots of pictures of guinea pigs of different ages:
Hi everyone

Thanks ever so much for all your well wishes. So the update is good. Poor Trudy has a viral infection, which because we caught it early can be cleaned topically with Hibitane, then covered in Vaseline and doesn't require oral antibiotics. Apparently if left for longer could spread and cause cracks into the creases of the mouth. I have been asked to do this for 7 days. Will obviously return if symptoms do not disappear completely.
That is good news. I am glad that you caught it early on! I hope that it heals off well. Thanks for the update!
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