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Thickened nail


New Born Pup
Aug 14, 2020
Reaction score
Stoney Stanton
Hi everyone 🐾
We adopted two guinea pigs in January. I cut their nails about 6 weeks after we got them, and it went ok-ish. I have used the guidance and info on here. A couple of the nails bled from the 3 guinea pigs we have. It was sorted and fine at the time, but I've noticed one toenail on Nutkin aged 22 months has grown thick. She's fine in herself, but I'm worried if it's infected or if I should avoid clipping, or get a professional to do it? Pic attached for context. Thank you. 20240330_171057_01.jpg
My late Edwards nail grew thickened after he tore it out at the quick. Vet said it was nothing to worry about and it was trimmed as normal when we took the guinea pigs to the vets to have their nails cut x

Thickened nails can happen. Yours doesn't look fungally. My Macsen is another piggy who has had his for several years now. It is not quite easy to cut it back with toenail clippers but if you really struggle, ask whether a vet nurse at your clinic would be willing to do the job for a fee.