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wow then the new Argos catalogue will be out very soon with christmas trees in !lol
kellyandpiggies said:
LOL to you both!

I forwarded it on! ;D

So did I. I downloaded a countdown clock then thought i would make everyones day. Gosh when i got to school to pick my son up they werent to impressed. ;D ;D ;D
Lol I know then ........oh i love this........ the big garden centre near us will have its decorations on display.........................oh gosh actually I think they atart that at then end of sept! ;D
I was told today that in our local woolworths they had christmas cards for sale
Already gosh that is early, think we should run a comp lets see who spots the first xmas advert on tv!, the first bauble in the shop! and who has already bought their christmas cards! come on I bet there is someone out there that has bought them in the jan sales lol.
My nan used to do that then forget where she had put them come christmas!
LOL they were the really expensive ones - but going cheap! But no doubt when Christmas comes I'll be bying some more! LOL
I know, it will be really hot outside and ill be counting baubles lol .
Yeah I'm gonna statr mine soon i think as i get so skint at christmas
That's why I start early. A present here and there leading up to Christmas and it's not a major chunk in one go!
yay! cant wait for the big day! i have to catch up on shopping tho. i always say i will start in november and always end up rushing one cold day after work 2 wks before! :D
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