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Thorough Cleaning or OCD?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 10, 2019
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I'm not sure if I'm going over-board. After I clean my piggies cage, I usually give them fresh pellets and water (this is not the only time I give fresh food and water). With the water bottle, I untwist the nasal. I use a Q-tip to clean the inside of silver-part where they drink from (in a circular motion) and use the clean end to clean the other side of the nasal. I also rinse it out after to make sure that none of the fuzzy stuff gets stuck inside. It makes me feel bad for piggies who don't get the nasal cleaned. The nasal gets so dirty! The Q-tip literally turns yellow after cleaning. I recently just bought a bottle cleaner, so I don't have to use a Q-tip anymore. I also rinse my piggies pellet bowl daily because it gets so dusty. Am I the only one who does this?
I'm not sure. I usually clean my guinea pig bowls every week and same with the water bottles. In my opinion though I think it depends on the how dusty the room is and the owner. If it does get that dirty then no I don't think you are going over board.
No your not the only one! I always throughly rinse and clean all of Alfie’s feeding and drinking items, also hideys. After putting something in his cage or fixing and cleaning something I always have to look at it and look back then look at it again because I have terrible OCD.
I'm not sure if I'm going over-board. After I clean my piggies cage, I usually give them fresh pellets and water (this is not the only time I give fresh food and water). With the water bottle, I untwist the nasal. I use a Q-tip to clean the inside of silver-part where they drink from (in a circular motion) and use the clean end to clean the other side of the nasal. I also rinse it out after to make sure that none of the fuzzy stuff gets stuck inside. It makes me feel bad for piggies who don't get the nasal cleaned. The nasal gets so dirty! The Q-tip literally turns yellow after cleaning. I recently just bought a bottle cleaner, so I don't have to use a Q-tip anymore. I also rinse my piggies pellet bowl daily because it gets so dusty. Am I the only one who does this?
I wash the water bottles every day in hot soapy water.. I don't use a bottle brush or clean the silver ends 😶 maybe will pop a cotton bud round it to see if anything there but they are quite new anyway... never had a bottle discoloured.. I wash food bowls each time I feed them - twice a day - with hot soapy water...
You aren't being OCD. Put simply OCD is a mental health condition where cleaning is built around anxiety and ritual. I have met people where tasks like having a bath takes over an hour because of the ritual they have to follow before they can even run the bath. Thoroughly cleaning something is not OCD