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Thoughts On Critical Care...

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 11, 2014
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I've just been wondering whether I should get some critical care but I was wanting to know your thoughts on it first.
1. Which is better? Fine grind or the normal one?
2. Does it work? Is it helpful?
3. Do you go through it quickly?
If anyone could answer the above I'd be grateful!
I'm trying to build up a medical box/ first aid kit for "just incases"
What things are useful to have in a first aid kit?
Thanks again x
i highly recommend it. i recently used it with eddie and saw a difference in him when on this feed, compared with the recovery or mashed pellets. the normal one was fine to use with a 1ml syringe (tip cut off). it is expensive and you go through it quite quickly but i think it's worth it. if it's for the first aid box, i'd buy a few of the small 36g sachets and then if you have to use them, it gives you time to order the bigger bag and for it to be delivered. eddie loved the taste of it aswell. :)
i highly recommend it. i recently used it with eddie and saw a difference in him when on this feed, compared with the recovery or mashed pellets. the normal one was fine to use with a 1ml syringe (tip cut off). it is expensive and you go through it quite quickly but i think it's worth it. if it's for the first aid box, i'd buy a few of the small 36g sachets and then if you have to use them, it gives you time to order the bigger bag and for it to be delivered. eddie loved the taste of it aswell. :)
Thanks! Do youknow where I could get the 36g sachets?
Not all piggies like the taste of Critical Care, so it is better to just have sachets. Or you can just mush up your pellets for hand feed, as that is at least a familiar flavour and in my experience often goes down better.

Have some fibreplex handy in case of a tummy upset and you needing a high fibre product.
Thanks @Wiebke!
Gonna get the sachets I think
Might look for fibreplex though. Any ideas on where I can get it?
I recommend it too and I am giving it to my skinnies at the moment to keep their weight up now it has got colder. I use the normal or fine grind.
You can google fibreplex online. it is being sold quite widely. Not cheap, but well worth having some for an emergency.

I prefer find grind Critical Care, it is much easier to syringe.
Thanks @Wiebke and @helen105281
Can u get sachets of the fine grind? I think I've only saw the normal one.
I'm definitely gonna look at the fibreplex though. Sounds like a good think to have.
You can but they only come in the one size so not as small as the normal ones can be.
Oh okay.
I've added the fibreplex and the critical care to my basket until I have enough money to order them. Thanks for your help.
Is there anything else that would be extremely useful to have in a first aid kit?
A good all-round probiotic like avipro plus or bio-lapsis is always worth having at home as you never know when a piggy needs to go on antibiotics or is going off its appetite.
I've heard of bio lapis and I've saw it on some websites but it's never been advertised for guinea pigs, just rabbits.
Bio Lapis is fine for pigs so I agree it would be good to add either that or Avipro Plus.
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