Thoughts On This Interesting Cage!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 16, 2015
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So I was looking up hay rack/kitchen ideas for the guinea pigs when I stumbled across this interesting guinea pig cage, its called the eglu Here are a few pictures.

It is supposed to keep the little shelter bit the same temperature no-matter what the weather. I don't know much about it and defiantly wouldn't consider buying it but this is a bit of info I found on the internet: It shows it as a rabbit house but I saw it displayed for guinea pigs aswell :) so let me know your thoughts!
Hello everyone,

I bought a eglu for my 2 guineas pigs in the summer because i had a red mite infestation in my wooden hutch(spread from my hens) and also because i thought it would warm for them in winter. i assumed this from reading the info from omlet about it being warmer in winter and cooler in summer due to the twin wall cavity insulation. But my guineas are cold and theres lots condensation inside. I also think that there isn't enough indoor space for them, especially in winter.Has anyone else found this a problem. I really wish i had kept the wooden one which my husband built. It was big and it was lined with polystyrene so it was warm but it was getting rather old and i was seduced by the cool looks of the iglu!

i think they could improve the eglu by making it bigger with a separate sleeping compartment inside, this would also help stop the straw or other bedding from falling out the door when they go in and out. This happens alot and makes shutting the door at night hard. they could also make a warm protective fitted cover to put over the outside in winter (which would also stop the doors freezing up)

I am not completely dissatisfied with the eglu it's great in summer and so easy to clean. I would be interested to hear if anybody else has any concerns am i just being to fussy, i do hate the thought of them sitting out there being cold! I would really appreciate any comments.

Hi I once went to someone's house who had an Eglu for their piggies. The run bit is great (as is their rain cover) and the indoor bit is very well made and solid and I toyed with the idea of getting one for a bit but the cost and the size of the indoor bit put me off in the end. It is a really small indoor area, I wouldn't feel happy cooping two piggies up in there overnight and what do you do when it is too cold or wet for them to come out on the grass during the day?

If eglu made one of a suitable size for piggies I might consider it but I bet the cost would be astronomical!
Hi I once went to someone's house who had an Eglu for their piggies. The run bit is great (as is their rain cover) and the indoor bit is very well made and solid and I toyed with the idea of getting one for a bit but the cost and the size of the indoor bit put me off in the end. It is a really small indoor area, I wouldn't feel happy cooping two piggies up in there overnight and what do you do when it is too cold or wet for them to come out on the grass during the day?

If eglu made one of a suitable size for piggies I might consider it but I bet the cost would be astronomical!

:) Yeah especially if your in the uk, it can rain for days!
I think its fine as a shelter for a run, but it is too small for daily accommodation, if they were to be shut up in it. I think the chicken ones are too small for chickens too, but they are very good for avoiding red mite which was the bane of my life when I kept chickens.
The Eglu looks huge in the top picture with the two piggies. But the double walls and the insert inside take up a lot of space. Its neat the way they have fitted the hay rack, bottle and bowl all in one corner. But I agree with Goth Mummy, it looks okay for outside in summer but not for daily indoor use.
I think they are ok for a run with shelter for summer use although I personally wouldn't have one.

I have heard that the ones advertised for guinea pigs are too small and ones advertised for rabbits should be used for piggies instead if that's the route someone wished to go down
For those who are keen on a plastic hutch, there is also the Piggy Pod. It measures 110 cm x 57 x 51 cm high. It is made of double walled plastic and is sold as being big enough for two piggies. It looks deceptively small in the picture, but going by the measurements, I would say that it is a good size. It is not sold as being super warm or cool, though. The price may be prohibitive for a lot of people; £99. There is also a rain cover available for £15. You can find more info on
I have never seen the Piggy Pod before. I would still say that its too small for daily use as main accommodation at 110 cm long but as a shelter inside a run it could be very useful. I have come to loathe wooded hutches with a passion - I have 4 and they are currently unused in the garage - I am sick of scrubbing them and repairing/painting them every year. I use them for grass time, not for main accommodation though, as my piggies live inside my house.
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