Tips & Questions (first Time Piggy Mommy)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
United States.
I'm trying to get an idea of what I need for my piggies.

Problems are that I dont know what type of pigs they are. But Ive read on average they are between 9 and 12 inches long. So what size cage should I get? And where would you suggest to buy a big, good, and cheap cage?

What types of bedding should I use? And what is the cheapest, yet good?

What types of food? What is the deal with this timothy hay? Is that something that they'll need or it just something they want?

What type of vegetables can they NOT have? And fruits, as well.

And have you ever dealt with two boys and falling out? If so, howd you deal with it? Did they over come it?

And just any tips that you think a newbie pig mommy will need to know in order to have a safe, happy and loving piggy.

Thank you for the tips. (:
I'm trying to get an idea of what I need for my piggies.

Problems are that I dont know what type of pigs they are. But Ive read on average they are between 9 and 12 inches long. So what size cage should I get? And where would you suggest to buy a big, good, and cheap cage?

What types of bedding should I use? And what is the cheapest, yet good?

What types of food? What is the deal with this timothy hay? Is that something that they'll need or it just something they want?

What type of vegetables can they NOT have? And fruits, as well.

And have you ever dealt with two boys and falling out? If so, howd you deal with it? Did they over come it?

And just any tips that you think a newbie pig mommy will need to know in order to have a safe, happy and loving piggy.

Thank you for the tips. (:
Hello Again Mav, Weclome to the forum :)

Here are a few threads you will find useful to have a read of -
Items you'll need
Diet and food overview

Understanding Guinea Pigs
Settling Piggies

In Answer to your questions

1) There are lots of different types of bedding this thread goes through them all Bedding Overview

2) This thread on Diet and food overview gives you all the information you need, it tell you what ratio to feed food in also please have a read - Diet and food overview
Timothy Hay is another type of hay and is quite coarse. We feed Timothy Hay and Meadow hay

3) What they can and can't eat can be found here

Hope that helps a little. Any questions just ask away, the forum is really friendly and helpful.

We have got lots of information threads at the top of our various Care sections, which will help you in the coming days and weeks to find our what is normal and what not.
Here are the ones that answer your specific questions:
Dominance behaviour is a staple in a guinea pig relationship, not just during bonding and the hierarchy sort-out, which can last for a few weeks, but throughout the whole life. Any mild to medium dominance behaviours you do not have to worry about. However, once it has come to full-out fights with bites, piggies will not get back together again. Ever! That goes for either gender although fights and fall-outs with sows are rare. Boar pairs are usually very stable once they have reached a hormonally settled adulthood. If you rehome an already stably bonded pair of adult boars, you can avoid all the growing up pains... A rescue may also help you in finding a pair of piggies that are already used to handling and cuddling, as babies are generally very fidgety and won't sit still for long (unless they are frozen with fear), considering that cuddliness is what you are specifically after!
@Mav I have answered this in the Introductions section also will merge the threads to this one
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