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Today Is The Day!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Today it's a trip to the vets with Amber and Mabel!

I'll finally be able to put my mind at rest about their genders..
My paranoia can finally end! If Amber is a boy, the temptation to rename her Amboar is so strong.. But I won't be that cruel!

A nail trim and weighing is also on the list for the vets. Amber will most likely scream the place down like a child having a tantrum. :))
Fingers crossed they are girl's and you havnt given the poor things serious gender identity issues

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I'm sure they're fine! I would of expected babies by now if Amber was a boy. Plot twist if it's secretly Mabel :mal:

I'm sure they'll be fine. I need to take plenty of veggie bribes. They're going to hate me after this. 'Nail trimming and letting a stranger view our privates.. How very dare you mummy!'
Haha. Yay! Letting the vets prod about their bits always makes me feel bad. Especially with Luna because her wee face is so expressive all
"Sweet mother of GOD, what fresh hell is this?! POLICE! POLICEE!"
Haha. Yay! Letting the vets prod about their bits always makes me feel bad. Especially with Luna because her wee face is so expressive all
"Sweet mother of GOD, what fresh hell is this?! POLICE! POLICEE!"

You just made tropical juice come out of my nose :(!
Yay! But aww at the same time, I wanted you to have the lady boys of bangkok on your signature! :P :P
Haha. Yay! Letting the vets prod about their bits always makes me feel bad. Especially with Luna because her wee face is so expressive all
"Sweet mother of GOD, what fresh hell is this?! POLICE! POLICEE!"

Hahahaha! She just sort of looked at me like 'you'll pay for this mummy, you will pay'

She has sulked in her fleece the whole way back! She's eating hay now though and wheeking so I'm presuming I'm forgiven!

Mabel's little white belly was so adorable. I held her whilst the vet clipped her nails. She just relaxed in my arms and never made a sound!
Yeah girls are good! They can be butch girls! :P :P

Amber could pull it off at a push. Mabel is just too tiny! Although Ambers really long whiskery bits on her face make her look girly to me.

That's why I would never be able to get my head round them being boys if they were! :))
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