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Toffee's glaucoma


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 9, 2016
Reaction score

My 10yr old guinea pig Toffee has recently been diagnosed with glaucoma after her eye swelled up last week (she already has cataracts). Because of her age, the vet dose;t want to do surgery but she says if it swells up again, she will have to be put down. She is on pain relief (loxicom) and having lots of extra cuddles. How likely is it to swell up again and is there any thing else we can do to help her?

My 10yr old guinea pig Toffee has recently been diagnosed with glaucoma after her eye swelled up last week (she already has cataracts). Because of her age, the vet dose;t want to do surgery but she says if it swells up again, she will have to be put down. She is on pain relief (loxicom) and having lots of extra cuddles. How likely is it to swell up again and is there any thing else we can do to help her?
Do not put to sleep.
Guinea pigs can live with one eye just fine. Its just the age that might be bad for a op. Is your vet a experienced guinea pig vet?

I'm tagging @Wiebke in. Sorry if your not up for answering much at the moment. I just dont know who else to tag.

If your vet wants to put your pig to sleep. In my opinion its better to die trying. Sorry it sounds harsh
I wouldn’t be putting a 10 year old guinea pig through enucleation surgery. I’d be managing the situation and as long as she wasn’t suffering, I wouldn’t be considering euthanasia. However, if she started to suffer, then it would be time to let her go
Just seems a shame thats all. I just thought. If the 10yr old had no other issues especially .Probably bad advice given. I just hate the letters p.t.s. i didnt know trying to manage the condition. was an option, until you said.
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