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Transmission Of Fungal Infection To Other Pig And Humans? What To Look For?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2016
Reaction score
I am almost certain Elvis has a fungal infection...however, it is almost certain he is going to be pts Monday (if not before) due to other ongoing issues and the fact that his quality of life has deteriorated.

Because of this, I'm not handling him with gloves as recommended, and won't seperate him from Barlo since this is their last hours/days together.

I'm presuming that if Barlo catches it it will present in the same way, and am going to ask the vet about treating Barlo. Me and my girls have been all over him, we can't not show him love now of all times. Just wondered what I need to look for in us humans?

Laura xx

PS: As a side note, I've read this back and I worry it sounds heartless, I can assure you I have had several bouts of being a weepy wreck and I am going to make an absolute idiot of myself when the day comes. I keep trying not to be sad because he's here now, and I need to be enjoying him now.