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Traumatic Night, Advice Needed Please

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
East Anglia
Apologies for my absence, unfortunately I'm back under sad circumstances. I'm not really sure what to do with my eldest boar Frank (avatar) he lives indoors with us with his cage mate and he has been his normal self but yesterday before I went to work I noticed he looked really lethargic, I was hoping that I'd just caught him waking up from a nap but I had this feeling he wasn't well. When I came home last night I went to see him straightaway, he was very very lethargic, his eyes were sunken and weeping and I honestly thought he was going. I wrapped him up in a towel and took him to bed with me to keep him warm, I gave him some calpol about midnight, he didn't seem in any pain but I thought it might help and about half past he had a handful of spinach leaves (that was all we had in the house) he woke me up about half past one for some more veg and by 3am he had really perked up, the eye discharge had gone and his eyes seemed brighter, he was still sleepy and curling up in the towel under the duvet but much more his normal self. I put him back in his cage and he had some water. This morning he seems fine, he came up to greet me as normal and is drinking however I haven't seen him have any food. I've weighed him this morning and he's 1045g.
I'm just not sure what was wrong with him, I really thought he wouldn't be here this morning by the way he looked last night. Would it be worth a trip to the vets even though there's no outward signs of illness? Could it be dental? Any advice greatly appreciated, I'm going to go and get some cucumber and other veg for him to make sure he's eating a little bit, it's worth mentioning that he was in bed with me for 5 hours last night and I'm fairly sure he didn't wee or poo the whole time, he was wrapped in the towel so unless I missed any I'm pretty sure he didn't go although like I say he's drinking fine and gobbled down the veg last night.
Thanks again in advance.
I would absolutely recommend a trip to the vets. Guinea pigs are very good at hiding signs of illness, so even though he may look brighter this morning, he could just be hiding it. As his mum, you know him best. If you thought that he was very poorly last night, then I would definitely get him checked over - even if just for your piece of mind.

Not weeing or pooing for 5 hours is a really big deal for piggies. If he still hasn't pooed this morning, then the vet visit is a matter of urgency. Weeping eyes could be a sign of a URI, or any number of things.

Please take Frank to the vets x
I second @Jerrybelly advice. If he hasn't been eating his guts won't have anything to expel. Veg is not enough for a piggy please start syringe feeding him to give him the very best chance.

If you don't have any critical care, mush up pellets and offer them to him on a spoon. If he doesn't eat anything it is important to start syringe feeding him otherwise his guts will start to slow down and he could go into gut stasis.
Ok thank you, I'll try and get him in on an emergency appointment now. @flintstones I tried offering him mushy pellets last night but he wasn't interested, can I get critical care in any local shops? Thanks again.
Appointment booked for 4:40 this afternoon, I see Alistair in St Neots, so I know he's in good hands, he's had a bit of hay and he's just woofed down some mushy pellets I've offered him on a spoon. I'll let you all know now it goes, thanks again for the help I really appreciate it.
Appointment booked for 4:40 this afternoon, I see Alistair in St Neots, so I know he's in good hands, he's had a bit of hay and he's just woofed down some mushy pellets I've offered him on a spoon. I'll let you all know now it goes, thanks again for the help I really appreciate it.

It's really positive that he's eating - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll all be okay :)
For future reference, you can't usually buy critical care in shops. You would need to buy it direct from the vets (perhaps you could speak to the vet about it later - I always keep a pack in in case of emergencies), or online. You don't need a prescription for it.

Let us know how you get one.
Please start hand feeding your boy to prevent the guts from closing down. You can always mush up pellets in an emergency. You only see poos when food has gone down. Always see a vet as an emergency if your piggy is not eating and drinking at all.Weigh him daily at the same time. Just seeing a piggy nibble on food or chew on crud in his cheeks can very deceptive .
Here is our new step-by-step hand feeding guide; it also contains tips for what to do in an emergency.

Fingers very firmly crossed for Frank!
Update on Frank - the vet couldn't see anything outwardly wrong with him other than she said he felt a tiny bit bloated. He ate some hay and cucumber on the way down to the vets and on the way back and I've been spoon feeding him mushy pellets which he's been happily eating, he seems to be eating fine other than he won't eat the hard pellets. He had a shot of metoclopramide while he was there and she's given me 8ml of oral medicine to give to him over the next two days as well as recommending infacol. In himself he looks a lot better, he's bright and happy to see me but I just can't understand how suddenly he went down hill then perked up again. I'm keeping a close eye on him and hand feeding him throughout the day as well as leaving food in a bowl for him, although I suspect his cage mate might be scoffing that as Frank is the less dominant pig. They eat burgess excell pellets, I'm thinking of going to get the oregano flavour as they're smaller pellets which he might be able to manage better, do you think that might encourage him to eat on his own?
Oh also, on the bottle it says to give 2ml twice a day of this metoclopramide? That sounds a lot to me, is that right? I was struggling to take in everything the vet was saying to me yesterday, probably due to the fact I'd been up all night and couldn't concentrate. She said to wait 24 hours but if I have to give it twice a day shouldn't I really be giving him a dose now and then later?
It's really positive that he's eating - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll all be okay :)
For future reference, you can't usually buy critical care in shops. You would need to buy it direct from the vets (perhaps you could speak to the vet about it later - I always keep a pack in in case of emergencies), or online. You don't need a prescription for it.

Let us know how you get one.

I purchased CC online from amazon when I wanted some. It doesn't have to be from a vet but I don't recall seeing any pet shops stocking it
Oh also, on the bottle it says to give 2ml twice a day of this metoclopramide? That sounds a lot to me, is that right? I was struggling to take in everything the vet was saying to me yesterday, probably due to the fact I'd been up all night and couldn't concentrate. She said to wait 24 hours but if I have to give it twice a day shouldn't I really be giving him a dose now and then later?

Sorry I'm not sure but maybe @Pebble can help
Good to hear he seems to be perking up!
I can't be of any help regarding dosages but you can always ring your vet if you want to double check or confirm any details - my vets are always happy to do this for me. I know how overwhelming it can be when you're faced with a ton of information to digest and consider when you're already worried (and very tired in your case!). If I know I'm going there for something big now I usually take a notepad and scribble everything down!
The metoclopramide dose sounds a fair bit; if necessary check with the vet. How big is Frank?

Please weigh him daily to make sure that he is getting enough food and top him up accordingly with hand feed and as much water as he will take. Also keep an eye on his poos; they can also give you clues.
I rang the vet just to confirm, it's correct :) he's just had his first dose and I've weighed him again, I'm going to order some CC now to get here ASAP so I can make sure he's getting enough nutrition in him. I still don't think he's out of the woods yet but I'm keeping a close eye on him, my nerves are shot though! @Wiebke he's a fairly big lad but he has lost a little bit of weight, I'm trying to hand feed him as much as I can, he's happily taking food so he's obviously got an appetite I'm just not sure as to why he's not eating his normal food.
I rang the vet just to confirm, it's correct :) he's just had his first dose and I've weighed him again, I'm going to order some CC now to get here ASAP so I can make sure he's getting enough nutrition in him. I still don't think he's out of the woods yet but I'm keeping a close eye on him, my nerves are shot though! @Wiebke he's a fairly big lad but he has lost a little bit of weight, I'm trying to hand feed him as much as I can, he's happily taking food so he's obviously got an appetite I'm just not sure as to why he's not eating his normal food.

Loss of appetite is often connected to a pain issue somewhere. Are his poos normal-looking? Has your vet checked his mouth for thrush and especially the back teeth for overgrowth? My Ffowlyn was once found to have an extended, gas-filled stomach, but normal guts. It took two vet trips and an x-ray to get to the bottom of that as she wasn't showing any symptoms whatsoever that would account for her loss of appetite.

Just keep him topped up with mushed up pellets; I prefer to mix CC and pellets, as many piggies are not so keen on the taste of the CC and the pellets taste familiar.

it is always very frustrating when you don't know what you are really up against, and neither is your vet. I hope that Frank is going to recover.
think I read infacol not very good for them, gripe water better. Somehting to do with infacol makes big bubble that can cause problems.
You're doing wonderfully :)

Thank you @Jerrybelly I'm just trying to do the best for him with the knowledge I have to hand. @Wiebke the vet looked in his mouth and said she couldn't see anything obviously wrong. I've just given him some more mushed pellets and I'll be coming home on my dinner break from work to top him up again.
You are doing your best for him; I am sending Frank vibes for making a good recovery soon!

PS: You'd be amazed how many vets have no idea how to check dental problems, so it is always better to double check.
Good news, his poops are looking like normal poos now :) they're still small for him, more like the size my girls do but I was feeding him this morning and he did three in the space of half an hour ish. He's been weighed this morning, he's lost 8g but he's eating everything I give him and he's still eating hay and drinking fine, he's much more like himself and being nosy and cheeky, I know he has a way to go but I'm feeling a lot better about him today, I'm keeping a close eye on his weight, currently he's 965g.
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