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Treating Mites In Baby Pigs?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Shropshire, England
Bak from vets and my baby girls have mites! Trouble is they r 8weeks and vet says treatment normally start at 12weeks, but treating them now is safer than leaving them. Hes ordering the medicine so have to go bak tomorrow.
Any1 have any success stories of treating young piggies with mites?
I guess that he is going to treat them with xeno 50, which is the strength for guinea pigs below 800g. It shouldn't be a problem as their organs are fully formed. Mange mites are not at all rare in breeder or shop piggies; we see a fair number of piggies like yours over the course of a year. So far we haven't heard of any lasting problems.
Probably as he weighed Smudge at a tiny 250grams! Thanx for the info.
Also what type of hay is least likely to have mites as the vet said thats where they likely caught them from?
Probably as he weighed Smudge at a tiny 250grams! Thanx for the info.
Also what type of hay is least likely to have mites as the vet said thats where they likely caught them from?

Your are much more likely to have picked up the mange mites at the place they are from than getting them from the hay. Most piggies carry mange mites eggs in the skin, which are usually under control but they tend to pounce when the immune system is lowered through stress or illness.

250g is low for an 8 week old. Please don't panic; there are plenty of babies born in or coming into rescue whose mums have a bad case of mites (pregnancy is another immune system killer) and need to be treated alongside their mum as soon as it is possible without endangering their development.

Your boy has got another 13 months until he is an adult anyway, so there is plenty of time to grow although it is likely that he will never be a porker. Just keep your boys on a good general diet that answers all their needs and they are sure to realise their individual optimum. ;)
I have treated babies with mange mites at a day old with Ivomectin without problems as their rescued mother was infected & the young were born almost hairless, so your piggies will be fine I'm sure. Meadow hay can be a host especially if it is farm stored, but sometimes it can be a result of stress/ poor diet or from being in contact with others that are infected. If you think it's from your hay, bin it & get some new. Hay for pets & the hay experts websites sell good quality hays so it may be worth a look on there. Hope your piggies are better soon.
Thanx everyone. Smudge is the smaller one at 250g her sister Fudge is chubbier.
Also the vet said to throw away the hay but is that really necessary and i will need more hay straight away so need to find a good store hay not from online?
I get mine from the range diy store last ages and its ok
Thanx Lisa, we did have a range by us but is closed down now, wud b and m hay be the same u think?
Just to let you know Smudge and Fudge had their xeno50 meds on tuesday and seem to be doing fine, altho i couldn't stop watching them Tuesday nite to make sure there were no side effects!
I have to give them 2 more doses 2 weeks apart and they shud be mite free.
Quick question - the bigger pig Fudge goes down ramp all the time but smaller Fudge wont even try, will she eventually?
Plus they r getting better at being stroked and enjoy cuddles when i finally get them, so far so good. I absolutely love them, they are so so cute.
Thank u to all who recommended i take them to vets x
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