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Tubby & Dom Bonding Day

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2015
Reaction score
Edgware Middlesex
Today was a day I was excited about, but also feely very nervous and anxious about at the same time. Today was the day I committed myself to try and bond Tubby my 3yo boar with Dom my new 2yo rescue Piggie.

The boys have been living side by side with a cage divider separating them for almost 3 weeks.

I started off by completely pulling out all my boys Tunnels, water bottles, food bowels and bedding to replace with fresh and clean ones. I then rearranged their cage completely taking out the central divider. All in all this took me close to 3 hours. It was one hell of a back breaker!

There was some floor time, but this proved difficult as my boys have been patiently each sitting in a 1 x 1 cage and were naturally more energetic once they were given more space to investigate. I gave them some water and veggies as a distraction and soon after put them in their new cage together.

At this point here has been allot of playing and climbing on backs (No biting or yelping) mostly by Tubby, with a fair bit of rumbling and rumble strutting, but nothing remotely off the serious list .. Sometimes I think Dom is just winding Tubby up a little bit!

My boys have just settled down now...NO THERE OFF AGAIN! Tubby wants both ends of the cage (Naughty Tubby!) Tubby actually gets excited and pop corns when Dom chases him!

What do you all think of how its gone so far, can I leave them in together tonight if all remains calm or put a barrier up and start again another day?

I must admit these videos are of when the boys first went in and do not demonstrate the back climbing.

That all looks very positive! Personally, I would leave them together and just keep an eye on them.
It sounds pretty promising to me; your boys have moved into the dominance phase of the bonding, which can last up to weeks. Please make sure that you do not have any hideys with only one exit in the cage; open shelters or log tunnels are much better. have at least two or three, well spaced away from each other. the same goes for any food.

Please do not separate, or Tubby and Dom will have to start right at the beginning and do it all over again!
@Wiebke I have 4 log tunes with no places to get trapped and plenty of room to manoeuver about.

Good - that can be a real flashpoint for fights. Just let them sort out their relationship and all the fine print now.
Poor Tubby will have to get used to Dom sleeping and peeing in the back hay rack!
Blast, camera the wrong way up (again)
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