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Tummy Scab

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2014
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Good afternoon
Need a little advice my 9 month old Alfie seems to have developed a scab under his armpit
Our other pigs had ringworm a few months ago but it was always behind the ear and in their backs. I'm not exactly sure what it is the vet said monitor it for a few days before taking him in. Is there anything I can put on it in the meantime. He's not scratching it at all


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Also he has no hair loss or anything around it. Just given him a good bath and cleaned the cage. Have just got a new batch of hay in but as I said the other 3 are fine
Ringworm spores can survive up to 18 months and it doesn't have necessarily to appear in the usual places around the head/ear area. Many of the normal disinfectants won't do the trick, as they are only antibacterial, but not antifungal.

It looks unforutnately rather like a candidate for a repeat to me, only that you have caught it a the earliest stage before the hair loss etc. is setting in. Ringworm can start with just a scab where a piggy has scratched itself bloody. You should know within the next or day or two whether the area around the scab is getting bigger and is starting to show classic signs of ringworm. Please treat any piggy that you suspect of ringworm as such.

Please have it seen and diagnosed by your vet.

You may find this thread here helpful: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/ringworm-hygiene-and-pictures.115402/
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