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Two years ago.......Dukey

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Forum Buddy
Oct 13, 2006
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Croydon, Victoria, Australia
I can't believe it's two years my darling sweet Dukey that you had to take that road to the bridge :(
You are now with Sully and my Mum, getting loads of cuddles from Great Grannie and snuggles from Sully, take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I will always thankyou for making me the proudest Grannie Slave to pigdom xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Your chatty voice and sweet nature, except of course when you humped Sully rolleyes your darling brother, your gutsy attitude to fight thru so many abscesses and then your toofie problems, to this day i wish i had been able to whisk you to the UK or US where they know so much more about piggie toofies :(
Your grave alongside Sully is lovely at the moment, the plants have all grown with the recent rains. I love to stand and say hi to you still. I still sleep with Brownie Bear (your brown doggie teddy) and your blue birthday teddy along with the pillow you and Sully gave me for Mother's/Grannie's Day many years ago........loves and miss you my little man 8...8...8...
RIP Dukey 1/2/2002 - 12/10/2008


I am so sorry about your loss - it was before I joined, but it was still very much remembered. Duke was a gorgeous boy and is still very much loved and missed!
I'll never forget Dukie he was one special piggy, rest in peace and hope your having great fun at the bridge.

Hugs Glynis
What a lovely tribute to Duke. Piggies leave a huge hole in our hearts when they pass to the bridge and in some ways will always be with us. I'm sure Duke will have been at the gates of Rainbow Bridge to take care of all the lovely pigges that have made the journey. Popcorn free forever sweet Duke and send a piggie kiss down to your mummy who still misses you terribly..
well my baby passed a week ago..and his brother is now sick..i now know how * felt and feel..R.I.P Bazil and good luck ACE and ..R.I.P dukey * musta been a great pig..8...
well my baby passed a week ago..and his brother is now sick..i now know how * felt and feel..R.I.P Bazil and good luck ACE and ..R.I.P dukey * musta been a great pig..8...

Hey i'm really sorry to hear about your baby Bazil 8...8...8...
and whee will have all our paws and fingers crossed for Ace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yes Dukey taught me one helluva a lot........... he was a dental piggie and had other issues as well.........but i learnt so much and i owe him a lot :)
What a beautiful tribute to such a handsome boy, goodnight little one x
I can't believe it's two years already - he was indeed a very special piggy. Everyone here loved him.
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