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Undescended Testicles?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 29, 2011
Reaction score
North West
My boy is in today for castration as he was found to have undescended testicles. I've looked online about it and can't find much. Has anyone any experience of this? The vet nurse said the operation shouldn't be any more difficult but I'm wondering if they might have turned cancerous (she didn't mention it but I've heard this can happen with other animals)? Anxiously waiting by the phone for them to call me when it's all over.
Undecended testicles are fairly rare. I wouldn't worry about the cancer angle if I were you; I've never heard of it in this forum in all the years that I have been on here, so if it happens, it must be very rare indeed! ;)

Fingers crossed that he comes round well! I always find the wait during an operation the worst bit. it really leaves you free to explore all your nightmares and work yourself up into a real state! :(

Please make sure that you have got hand feed ready in case his appetite is off in the first days post op. See your vet asap at any point in the next few weeks if your boy is lethargic and off his food or develops a swelling of some sort in the operated area. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
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